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Anyone else think NL is far too 'friendly' sometimes?


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May 22, 2015
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I've played Wild World and ACG, but NL to me feels far too tame in terms of the personalities of the villagers, like I hate how NL is too nice compared to the first game in the series, even the grumpy villagers are too nice in NL compared to GC where they actually are true to their personality and trash talk you most of the time.

Apparently they made resetti Optional in NL because he used to upset kids in Previous versions? I feel like if somebody gets upset by a character like resetti then they need to toughen up a bit ( I actually find resetti hilarious, saying that I am an adult in fairness) I just feel like the villager types aren't as true to their actual personality as they were way back in the day. whats your thoughts on this?
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Yea it is kid friendly, quite a lot lol. At least you can make your own designs 'bloody' lol. But yeah I know how you can't use certain words as catchphrases/greeting and some personalities are a bit lame. I mean, grumpy ain't even mad lol.
well i mean it's a kids game

kids and parents alike probably complained or something
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well i mean it's a kids game

kids and parents alike probably complained or something

Which is fun b/c I see a lot of adult 20-30+ playing it lmao. On the other hand it's not that quit smoking game... brb dying of laughter is that a family game?
The villagers in Wild World could be downright mean at times, but it was funny. I wish they still had some sass in New Leaf, but I don't dislike the friendliness. Personally, I think the villagers treat me better now because I'm an important mayor. I was a "nobody" in Wild World. LOL
I'm happy to see Resetti gone, for the sole reason that if my battery dies on me or I accidentally close the game or whatever, I don't want to have to sit through however-long of him rambling at me just to get back to the game. If I reset, chances are I'm already kind of irked about it; I don't do it on purpose, so I don't need added frustration, you know? I appreciate that they made him optional, so that those who do enjoy him can get him back.

The villagers in Wild World could be downright mean at times, but it was funny. I wish they still had some sass in New Leaf, but I don't dislike the friendliness. Personally, I think the villagers treat me better now because I'm an important mayor. I was a "nobody" in Wild World. LOL

This is the way I look at it, too. You're basically a big-wig in town, and even if the villagers are your friends, they never really forget that they shouldn't mouth off to the mayor ;)
I haven't really played games other than NL, but lots of people on here think the Uchi villagers are too mean, so if the snooties and crankies were as mean as everyone says in previous games, I don't know how they coped.
My first Animal Crossing game was Wild World. I was 10 years old when I got it, so this is a child's perspective on the issue.

I liked that the villagers started out as unkind, and that their attitudes improved over time. It felt like I was forming real friendships. When my rude little cranky villager Limberg started being nice to me after a few weeks of favours and letters, it was really rewarding and satisfying. (That's why he's still my all-time favorite villager.)

I was scared of getting Resetti - not of his mannerisms, but the fact that him showing up meant I'd forgotten to save and lost my progress. His dialogue was actually pretty funny, and I turned off once or twice on purpose just to see him. If I was trying to see him, I liked him, but if my DS batteries died, I didn't like him.

To me, it's weird that the villagers start off so friendly in NL - there's no sense of relationship-building over time. Still, it's a game for a more delicate generation of kids... or at least a more sensitive generation of parents.
Yeah, I miss the challenge of actually befriending the villagers. Also I wish they hadn't toned the personalities down. The snooties in WW were really snooty! It added so much to the gameplay.
Yeah, I miss the fact that the grumpies used to actually BE grumpy. I had Chow in Wild World, and he was hilarious. He's the reason why crankies are one of my favorite types in-game.

I try not to have an opinion on any of this stuff because of the hyper-sensitive generation the world is currently breeding, but...c'mon. It's an effing GAME.
I agree, NL is far too tame in villagers personalities, I still remember almost getting into a fluster about Wild World when I had upset a villager and they were angry at me haha, NL is just tame, which in my eyes makes its a bit dull sometimes, its aimed at being too PC (politically correct) parents would go mental if a game just happened to upset their kid by being angry at the player (resetti) I hope the next iteration of the game brings back a version of the villagers whereby you actually had to work your socks off to impress a villager, and the personalities of the villagers are more true to real life.
I agree, NL is far too tame in villagers personalities, I still remember almost getting into a fluster about Wild World when I had upset a villager and they were angry at me haha, NL is just tame, which in my eyes makes its a bit dull sometimes, its aimed at being too PC (politically correct) parents would go mental if a game just happened to upset their kid by being angry at the player (resetti) I hope the next iteration of the game brings back a version of the villagers whereby you actually had to work your socks off to impress a villager, and the personalities of the villagers are more true to real life.

Exactly. I miss how when I opened a letter or a parcel to someone else, the sender would get upset with me. That's what would happen in real life!! Also I miss how the villagers were much more specific in their hobbies. I remember villagers being fossil fanatics and requesting me to find them specific fossils all the time!
In Wild World, I literally had a villager call another villager a "stupid, sexist jerk".
I had someone else say "Darn those selfish sisters! Stupid Sable and Mabel!"
I really wish New Leaf villagers were meaner, it makes me laugh.

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Well, there are many children who get scared by how harsh the villagers and Resetii used to be.

I honestly think at the beginning of the game it should let you choose how you'd like the game to go, if you want it to be more tame and kid friendly, or it to be more mean (can't think of a better word). This way if someone wants a more friendly experience (like maybe a first-timer or a child) they can have it, and if someone likes to build up a villager's trust over time and finds Resetii's rants laughable (maybe a veteran or an older player) they can have it too.
Well, there are many children who get scared by how harsh the villagers and Resetii used to be.

I honestly think at the beginning of the game it should let you choose how you'd like the game to go, if you want it to be more tame and kid friendly, or it to be more mean (can't think of a better word). This way if someone wants a more friendly experience (like maybe a first-timer or a child) they can have it, and if someone likes to build up a villager's trust over time and finds Resetii's rants laughable (maybe a veteran or an older player) they can have it too.

^Whilst I think that's a nice idea. I don't think it would translate well with the wifi play capabilities. You would either have villagers who were being nice when you visited or being more tough and some people will take offence.

At the end of the day, I understand why they did it. There's more universal appeal this way. But it doesn't mean that I don't miss Portia shouting at me cause I spoke to her over 20 times in 10 minutes ;)
^Whilst I think that's a nice idea. I don't think it would translate well with the wifi play capabilities. You would either have villagers who were being nice when you visited or being more tough and some people will take offence.

At the end of the day, I understand why they did it. There's more universal appeal this way. But it doesn't mean that I don't miss Portia shouting at me cause I spoke to her over 20 times in 10 minutes ;)

With the wifi it could adjust to whatever setting you put it act, regardless of what the host put it at. But for the host, it would be whatever they put it at.

It might result in the villagers having major mood swings when different people talk to them, but oh well.
With the wifi it could adjust to whatever setting you put it act, regardless of what the host put it at. But for the host, it would be whatever they put it at.

It might result in the villagers having major mood swings when different people talk to them, but oh well.

Good point. It would be hilarious to have totally different conversations with the same villager :p
The personalities do honestly feel pretty sanitized in comparison to the old ones, to the point that continuing to categorize them as things like "Cranky" or "Snooty" seems a bit facetious. It would be nice if the Crankies were actually more irritable. That said, I still enjoy playing the games regardless, so I'm not too torn up about the way things are.

At the end of the day, as long as we still get interesting furniture sets, more options to customize our characters and towns to make them truly our own, and everything else? Generally nicer villagers seem like a fine concession if the games are still enjoyable and innovative.
Honestly, especially since I'm used to the Wild World personalities, I kinda miss how the personalities were before. As others have said before, this was the work of parents who complained about the villagers' rudeness in the previous games. (Then again, there was the occasional "crap" that came out of the crankies' mouths, but as a 10-year-old back then, I found that absolutely hilarious!) I thought about this to myself, that in the next actually game, I want the personalities to come back. It actually makes it quite fun to build up friendships in a harder way, it would build up the entertainment the game was made for altogether!
(Besides, this game wasn't made for little kids, it was made for literally ALL ages, so why Nintendo would make the shift to being for little kids, I have no idea)
I've also noticed in HHD, the snooties seem to be more true to their personality than in NL (the crankies are still too soft though, although I do like it that way)