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Anyone else think NL is far too 'friendly' sometimes?

I haven't played any of the old games but to be honest, I like New Leaf the way it is. I've always used the game to feel better because my villagers are nice to me. I get enough verbal abuse from people in reality, I don't need a game of cartoon animals being mean too, come on.

Edit: seems like I'm the only one who actually likes the way the game is. Ah well. I still stand by my opinion. I also don't see why villagers have to be mean for a game to be fun, like ??? Mean people in reality aren't fun why would you want virtual things to be mean to you?
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Yeah it's pretty friendly <3 I guess it's okey, though have some mean funniness would be fun too
Just like what's mentioned earlier, you're a mayor in this town. So, y'know, villagers treat you a little bit nicely due to respect and fear that you might do something horrible to them because you've got the power!

I dunno about you guys, but in my town Yuka's a sass master that likes to insult my mayor, Fang may be a sweetheart to my mayor but he's keeps on rejecting his neighbor's deliveries and presents, Genji is very unhelpful towards everybody, and Beau's a passive-aggressive butt that likes to sell my town's native fruit for an inflated price. And Resetti was a funny mole, I don't understand what's so scary and mean about him, besides from what I've heard in the early games he tried to do a "fake reset" to your game.

In HHD though, the villagers aren't as nice as they were in New Leaf. Because you play as a simple little employee from Nook.
Personally I'm happy with the changes that have been made because I like liking my villagers. I didn't always appreciate the snooties and crankies in previous games because I didn't feel like they liked me. Plus, as a kid with population growing I was terrified of Ressetti and would avoid playing my game just to not see him. I never reset my game once, but sometimes things like the cords getting pulled to far happened. I think I was nine, maybe younger at that point. So yeah, I'm happy with the changes.
I also like all the -dere girls in anime (weeb feels...) for having a kinda rough, or probably rude side they show you until you get to know them better. Point is, the relationship feels more special: they're only nice to you because they actually like you, trust you, etc., and not because they're nice to everyone.

Still, Animal Crossing has such a friendly atmosphere, it's really relaxing, and the game is meant to be relaxing, so it's not really a problem. I'd enjoy characters who aren't that friendly at the start, but either way is fine.
I don't think NL is too friendly. I hated Resetti in WW, because it was loooong and frustrating, to me. My little sister was very young by then, and she was really scared of him. Remember, very young kids play ACNL.
I think it's nice to have him as an "option" : if you like him, have him, if not : he won't bother you.

For the personalities of the villagers, I liked how they were in WW, but in NL too. When I'm stressed or in a bad mood, I play, and everybody being nice and friendly actually make me feel better.
But to me, snooty villagers are way better now. They seem more... human? Not just superficial, passive-agressive people. Now they have some insecurities, they are polite, very nice sometimes but not always... I used to avoid them a bit, now they are pretty much my favorite. (with the cranky ones. and lazy. in fact they are all so cute)
Just like what's mentioned earlier, you're a mayor in this town. So, y'know, villagers treat you a little bit nicely due to respect and fear that you might do something horrible to them because you've got the power!

I dunno about you guys, but in my town Yuka's a sass master that likes to insult my mayor, Fang may be a sweetheart to my mayor but he's keeps on rejecting his neighbor's deliveries and presents, Genji is very unhelpful towards everybody, and Beau's a passive-aggressive butt that likes to sell my town's native fruit for an inflated price. And Resetti was a funny mole, I don't understand what's so scary and mean about him, besides from what I've heard in the early games he tried to do a "fake reset" to your game.

In HHD though, the villagers aren't as nice as they were in New Leaf. Because you play as a simple little employee from Nook.

Well, in earlier games he'd call the player a punk and a cheater(he still doesn't but not as harshly) and sometimes he'd make you type sentences saying "I'm an idiot" and things like that. Stuff like that could hurt a little kid.

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I haven't played any of the old games but to be honest, I like New Leaf the way it is. I've always used the game to feel better because my villagers are nice to me. I get enough verbal abuse from people in reality, I don't need a game of cartoon animals being mean too, come on.

Edit: seems like I'm the only one who actually likes the way the game is. Ah well. I still stand by my opinion. I also don't see why villagers have to be mean for a game to be fun, like ??? Mean people in reality aren't fun why would you want virtual things to be mean to you?

You're not alone. I like it the way it is too. Although I hadn't played any AC games before NL so I wasn't used to the villagers having a colder personality. I did play Wild World after getting into NL and the villagers didn't seem mean (worst thing they said was when Static told me I had an ugly face, and even then, he said it in a jokingish way) but I admit it, Resetti kinda scared me. I was always very reluctant to turn on the game after I reset (and never on purpose either, once the game froze and another time the battery died, which just made me more reluctant as I didn't want to hear him yelling at me for something I didn't do on purpose).
Resettis fake reset was kinda spooky, just like your face getting changed to a gyroid if you didn't save in someone elses town.
They won't make a game any more rude, since it's a children game. Remember the Resetti incident?
i'm not so sure how to voice what i think as new leaf is the only main animal crossing game i played thus far, but i will say that this game is not bad just because it's over-positive. yeah, there are some things in new leaf that aren't always true to real life, but does that seriously ruin the game? a game with realistic elements doesn't mean it will always be good. i also get very angry quickly when playing games, so to play one that's slow-paced and friendly is the perfect way to relax after a stressful day of work or whatever. so because of all of this, i really appreciate what they've done in new leaf.
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I do agree that the NL personalities are a bit too toned down... not necessarily a bad thing (nice people/animals are great, and I love crankies, even if they're hardly cranky at all), but it can make it less entertaining to talk to your villagers in NL compared to say, WW. It also seems less rewarding to develop friendships with your villagers because they're super nice right off the bat, and so you don't see a big difference in how they talk to you. Agree with the thing about villagers treating the mayor with more respect though.
I think comparing it to GC is a bit unfair, the GC was a bit... Cruel, even? Like, at least I hope no ine would talk with someone like that.

Wild World was a nice in-between! CF and beyond, yes, a lot toned down.

I do feel like they have a lot of dialogue in NL but they still keep being repetitive because the different dialogue is far and in-between?
I hope they do add a lot more of dialogue and make the personalities shine through a bit more. But please, nothing like GC.

I am glad abou Resetti, because well, I use resetting to my advantage a lot (to avoid changing stuff in their houses and clothes and I deliver something, for example)
And, if you ever miss him, you do have the option of getting him back!
Holy moly! I woke up and see all these lovely responses haha, great stuff, I agree with some of your views, yes it's great the villagers are more respectful towards you for simply being their mayor and overlord but I liked the old days when villagers were less refined and a bit more rough, I miss the old resetti trick from WW where after a certain number of incidents he would make you repeat a sentence, but the catch was you had to say it back to him EXACTLY as he had said it! Those were crazy days!
I disagree.

I played the original and loved it, and yes the crankies & snooty types were a lot worse then--but I like the friendliness now.

There are hundreds of violent, nasty games where you can hurt others, and I enjoy playing shooters sometimes to blow off steam...but Animal Crossing is not intended for that.
That's exactly why there are all different types of games, and if people want games where characters are less friendly or more realistic, they can open their front door and try saying "hello" to everyone they pass and see how many people look at them like an alien that just landed, give a forced smile, or just plain ignore them.

Real life & videogames already have copious amounts of mean & nasty people, and it's nice that there is at least ONE game out there that is not totally boring, (like many G-rated games are not interesting to adults) and a relief for people who would actually like a bit of friendliness.

I think there needs to be more games like this, and there is simply not enough. I honestly feel like the world is overpopulated by sarcastic & dreary people, and when you see someone with a big smile & a wave it's like a little oasis & that person is a diamond in a sea of pebbles.
Animal Crossing is a diamond in a sea of violent & competitive games. It's chill, it's relaxed, it's NICE! and it's about time!
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I do find the Resetti thing really stupid, but otherwise it's what I like about ACNL - I find it really relaxing and it helps when I feel down to know that something (yup, pixel animals I know) loves me! Haha.

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I disagree.
Thank you - completely agree. You explained my feelings perfectly!
I noticed a more mellow tone out of grumpy villagers in NL compared to earlier games. I always thought it was connected to you being mayor now rather than a resident. There's supposed to be a level of respect villagers give a mayor. I'll be honest, I'd be kind of peeved if my townsfolk called me stupid or an idiot or something, all the work I put into the town for them. :p
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i completely agree and i think about this all the time. remember when snooty and cranky villagers actually hurt your feelings? hahah ;__;

tbh the new generation (not just of gamers but the younger kids in general) are waaay too soft and get coddled too much. ppl arent raising their kids to be well-rounded adults, they're letting their kids boss them around, imo:\
I don't dislike the friendliness, although I see your point! I think because NL is more of a "family" game, Nintendo didn't want to make it too "mean" and offend children or parents.