Pokémon Anyone Else Tried to Soft Reset for Shiny Gift Latias/Latios in ORAS?

I already have a legal shiny latias with good nature from before the days of Hoenn 2, and it would take too long to bother with getting one with a star on, IMO.
Thank you, I was gonna try to get Rayquazza, Deoxys and Kyorge shiny O_O I would have been there forever trying to get them shiny on my AS xDD I wanted all my legnedaries to be shiny o.o thank goodness I found this xD (to TheEliteEmpoleon for posting the links to the shiny locks cant reply cuz of the links since I'm new)
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Okay then name your source

I'm the souce.

I can confirm and, GUARANTEE you it is NOT shiny locked.

I was soft resetting for a TIMID nature Latias since i didn't have a pokemon with sychronize in my team.
15-20 soft resets later a SHINY Docile Latias showed up.
I clearly gave up on the Timid one and kept the shiny one.
Since a shiny one randomly showed up for me while i wasn't trying to get one i can CONFIRM THEY ARE NOT SHINY LOCKED and can be soft rested for a shiny.
I suggest taking a pokemon with sychronize and the nature you want before soft resetting for it.
I suggest timid, modest or calm (defense, raises her already high sp defense) for Latias

Hope this helps
I'm the souce.

I can confirm and, GUARANTEE you it is NOT shiny locked.

I was soft resetting for a TIMID nature Latias since i didn't have a pokemon with sychronize in my team.
15-20 soft resets later a SHINY Docile Latias showed up.
I clearly gave up on the Timid one and kept the shiny one.
Since a shiny one randomly showed up for me while i wasn't trying to get one i can CONFIRM THEY ARE NOT SHINY LOCKED and can be soft rested for a shiny.
I suggest taking a pokemon with sychronize and the nature you want before soft resetting for it.
I suggest timid, modest or calm (defense, raises her already high sp defense) for Latias

Hope this helps

http://www.serebii.net/games/shiny.shtml - best proof I could find! Serebii confirms they're not shiny-locked!

(EDIT: Whoops, just saw plenty of other people confirmed this on other pages... sorry for the extra?)
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