Anyone get a dreamy yet?

I love a few uchi villagers, and decided to reset until I got one I loved--and so I already have Cherry, my sweet goth doggo.

However, my first nookmiles island, I found June the cute little cub, and I was so excited to invite her!
I guess Audie? I had Reneigh in an old town I reset but I didn't have her as a starter in this one. It's gonna take a while since I have 5 villagers right now I don't really like. Kinda want to keep Flo though.
Only Zucker. I met Lopez today and thought he was cute so I invited him over. Didn't know he was a tier 2 villager. Also Peanut I've decided to keep. But dreamies I'd love to aquire are Raymond, Punchy, Pashmina, Rudy, Genji and maybe Lily? I've been having trouble since I don't want to have the same villagers I had on both of my new leaf towns except Genji. Kabuki also peaked my interest.
Bob finally moved in! I'm trying to get punchy to move in next with my amiibo card, I always love having a bunch of cat villagers...Id love to get raymond tho but hes super popular right now.
Current dreamies i have: bob, zucker, anabelle
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technically, no, but i did get kid cat and while he wasn’t a dreamy prior to the game, he is now lol
I've been hoarding Nook Mile tickets and I'm gonna have an empty plot today so I'm gonna try to hunt down at least one dreamie of mine later! :)
I got Rolf as a random move in. While I didn't specific looking for him, I'm very happy that I got him, as he's one of my favorites.
Judy moved in at random and I’m honestly so happy!
I got lucky and found Lily on and island! Then Audie, it was my first time ever seeing her I thought she was Freya for a moment. But after looking her up I knew I needed her on my island. Finally Marcel was on my 4th mystery island. I had wanted him for years but never got him. So I got lucky and ended up with three villagers I wanted for my three move ins!

Actually the last villager to move in, Lily, did so today! Its so nice to have more people to talk to
One of my dreamies is Hazel and since she's Uchi, I resetted about 17 times until I got her a as starting villager! So, yes, I do have one of my dreamies!
i was able to get villagers i like in my town through random move ins and one or two mystery island tour visits and i'm so happy about being able to do so this early in the game!
I'm not the biggest fan of my villagers to be honest but Katt and Victoria have grown on me. I haven't had any of my dreamies yet but I'm hoping when I get the campsite that one of them will be there!
I will soon as an option for amiibos show up, then I'll be maxing my town with my top 10.