Anyone have villagers that have grown on them?

Colton. I had him in New Leaf too, but I just wasn't a big fan of the smug villagers in that game, and I already had Julian at that point so I didn't need another smug horse. When I got Colton in this game too, I fully intended on getting rid of him as soon as I could because I wanted Rodney, but now I'm not so sure. I like the smug villagers a lot more in this game so I wouldn't mind having more than one.
I had Hornsby move in at random and I was immediately hostile towards him because his name is Hornsby! But I have a soft spot for lazy villagers no matter how dumb their names are :'D
Alfonso c: I haven't even heard about him before he moved in
He's so adorable talking about snacks, wants to be friends with everyone and always happy to see you ^^
kid cat! my plan was to have bam as my jock at some point but kid cat has grown on me a lot and i’m gonna keep him around c:
I had Jambette move in because I forgot to invite a third villager, her design is much better in New Horizons and she's not too bad either, but she's still not going to stay.
I had Zucker move in as my lazy villager and he's sort of grown on me a little.
One of my starting villagers Axel has grown one a lot. I never had him as villager before in NL and wasn't too impressed with him at first, but he's actually turned out to be a real sweetie and he keeps randomly giving me things when I talk to him. Then tonight he decided to start singing outside the Resident Services tent (which is being upgraded) with Doc and its just too cute! :blush:
I have grown on Diva who was one of my starter villagers. I didn't really like the design of her character but after having her around and talking to her I have really grown on her.
Canberra. She's ugly but has been caught doing funny things like randomly sitting by the river or running around with her arms out like an airplane. It makes me laugh and I almost wanna keep her for that reason but she's ugly lol and there are other villagers I want more.

But anyway, I hate her less than I have before so that's cool.
Wade's always doing cute stuff around my town and I've come to love finding him because it's always worth seeing what he's up to. He had some botany book out today and was wandering through a flower patch flipping through the pages.
Charlise has grown on me. I wasn't too much of a fan of Uchi villagers or most of the female Bear villagers due to past experiences in New Leaf (*cough* Paula *cough*) but Charlise is pretty cool, I'll definitely keep her for a while.
Honestly I use to hate Penelope just based off of her appearance and I was so disappointed to find her in my second town in New Leaf, but honestly she ended up being a total sweetie and one of my favourite villagers in that town
When I first saw benedict in my campsite I was disappointed... but then he moved in and I somehow fell in love?? hes just.. really chill!
I had Rocket the ugly pink Gorilla on New Leaf and she is again on New Horizons but to be honest I don't like her, and her house is Pink it totally ruins the tune of my town I want her OUT!!
Billy. Never had him before and I’m generally not a fan of farm animals (pigs, cows, chickens, goats) but me and Billy have been vibin lately. He’s giving me so many gifts that I love.
I was initially going to reset if I got Agnes, not sure why anymore. Everything was great though, so I stuck with her and now I love her. She was the first to give me a specific compliment (my butterfly kimono), she seems to have low self esteem which is sad and adorable, and she stays up late so I always have someone to talk to.

Annalisa I'm still on the fence with, I picked her on a tour because I thought she'd fit into the little zen park area I was planning. I'm starting to see why people don't like the ant eaters, though. I thought they looked cute, but their nose gets in the way of they're expressions and Annalisa's eyes go full white when she's shocked, which is kinda creepy. I'm still getting to know her, and she seems cute, so we'll see.

I'm dreading my campsite villager, cos I feel I've gotten so lucky with my villagers so far.
Norma moved in recently and I didn't really anticipate liking her because I'm not particularly fond of the overly cutesy pink vibe her design has. I inevitably kind of attach to Normals though and I've loved her dialogue plus the sort of muffle-y lower tone her Animalese seems to take? I'm not sure if it's a cow villager thing but it's kind of relaxing to hear after speaking to the higher pitched villagers, idk how to explain it lmao.
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Kody, I really liked developing a friendship with him when we both moved to the island!

I also invited Midge and I really like her. I think I'm going to keep her, originally I was just inviting her because she was OK in my book.