Anyone here have...

Furry Sparks

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2005
Athsma? I do, it sucks D=
I hate it when people make fun of the inhalers I have have to use to BREATH sometimes...
The closest thing to Athsma I ever had was Bronchitis. I got like 10 coughing attacks per night. >_< I had to use an inhaler at least once every 2 hours... It sucked.

:p So I guess I know what you are talking about. >_>
I don't.. but some of my friends do..

I actually think the pump thingy looks cool :gyroidgrin:
I have been blessed with a very healthy body. 20/20 vision, no braces, no asthma, I can run a undr 7 minute mile easily enough, have yet to have broken a bone or needed stiches...well there was one time I should have had stiches but oh well. I am very active too... I am surprised I haven't been hurt more, I atribute it to being able to take a hit well, and knowing how to fall without being hurt(thank you stunt acting)
The one thing I wish my body was better at is upper body strength and more flexible legs. Funny my arms are very flexible but pretty weak and yet my legs are very strong yet as stiff as a board at times...


I feel bad for people who need things like inhalers and stuff. I don't mean it in a make fun of way it makes me a little sad for them. Too bad they can't find a cure for it... may be in thefuture they can alter your genes so you don't have it or something. asthma is genetic right?
I have it but not too bad I dont need a inhaler which is wierd cause doctors told me i needed one but never priscribed one and right now im suck because of it.
You're lucky, Sporge. I have glasses, need braces, unable to run, I'm sick all the time.
No athsma though which is good.
I don't have asthma but some of my friends do. At my school no one really is negative about people using inhalers. Most of the time they only use it in gym class after doing running or something.
Kids take an issue with other kids using inhalers? That's news to me. I can never remember asthma being a source of ridicule when I was at school... though most other things were.

As for myself, I got lucky with that one. Well, most things really. I bet life is saving all the horrific diseases and suchlike for later in my life. <3
Yeah, I have a type of it. Its called exersize induced asthma. It happens when I do a lot of physical activity. It kinda sucks...but thats why I started Juggling. Its a sport that doesnt require all of that.