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Anyone underwhelmed by it or doubt you'll play it?

It's pretty cute and whilst my mum loves it I'm not sure whether I'll play it too much :/ I'm happy playing acnl for now however I'm glad to see that new ac games are still in production, whether they're console/handheld or not
I feel a little wary by it. It seems like there's only so much to do, but I guess for a mobile game the content is worthwhile? I'm just not sure. I'm also bummed out by the idea of "Leaf Tickets". I guess I should have expected it given that all mobile games have microtransactions now, but it sours the idea for me. I feel I might get bored of it fast if there isn't a bunch to do. I didn't care too much about fishing and bug searching in NL. :c
I think I'll play it for a little at first just to see the hype but I doubt I have the patience to basically "start over" since this game is basically a recycled ACNL w/ microtransactions so far. It's cute for a mobile game but if you have access to the full fledged ACNL ds game, I don't think the novelty will last? @@ I don't mind microtransactions so much, but it's just this game doesn't justify it for me when I can just go and play on the DS for free? Plus you can trade w/ others on the DS making collecting things much easier as well so going from that to having to collect tickets or otherwise I wouldn't get items suck. :/

It would've been nice if they added more content imo and made it different enough for players who have ACNL or HHD already like they did with the FE mobile game (but then again I never got into FE mobile game or Pokemon Go so maybe I'm just not a fan of Nintendo mobile games).
I don't have a 'true' smart phone to play it... And so I probably won't play it anyways.

Despite that, I won't hold this against the creators. As I look at mobile games in general, they appear to have unbearably low standards as true "games". It's mainly because mobile consumers refuse to directly pay for games for some reason. From that, the mobile space has to adapt with the FTP model - and worse, most design their games all around making money instead of actual game play.

Knowing this, Pocket Camp might be high art in comparison to all those other mobile offerings, even though it seems pretty much a very watered down AC game to many of us 'console gamers'. It looks like a lure to attract mobile gamers to the franchise, and I would commend the developers effort of it if it did convert Mobile gamers to 'switch' to the console once more.

Either way, I don't think it was really designed for existing console players like me...
After not playing the 3ds version for a while, Im lookong forward to it a lil bit. I don't see myself playing it often, however.
I'm on the fence about it to be honest. It looks cool definitely, but I think its catered to people who don't yet own animal crossing on 3DS or its being used as advertisement for a new animal crossing on the switch.
I'm kind of overwhelmed by it. I don't know why but mobile games tend to do that to me and I feel scattered because there seems so much do to. I've already played it and it seems cool but I don't see myself actually playing it on a daily basis.
I honestly thought I would be, even with the excitement I figured it wouldn't live up to my expectations. But even while it isn't as good as a console game, was it honestly ever going to be? I think it's really cute, and I am excited to see future events and stuff where it will be less repetitive. Most mobile games are repetitive and are just really meant to be played in short bursts. Waiting times is a thing in all mobile games too, either waiting for lives, or for things to repopulate or even waiting for friends to send you things you need to continue. So I mean I really like it for what it is. Right now I am playing in longer stretches than I probably will because it's new and exciting but even once that dies I think I will still play it regularly, just like my other repetitive apps.
I'll down load the game when it officially comes out for my region, if it will download to a 2-3 year old ipad, I'm hoping it will, given the ipad is upto date with its updates. .

I'm unsure how game needing a wifi connection 24/7 will play out for me, I don't normally have the router on all the time, & the ipad goes out & away from a wifi connection. No smartphone.

I played HHD for a few weeks, didn't hold my attention, bored, and this looks similar.
I'm with Lanstar on this one, its a game to lure mobile phone users into the franchise. Hopefully it heralds a Switch ac game sooner rather than later & I would guess there will be links between Pocket Camp & a Switch game.

I'll give it a go as I think there will be advantages in a Switch game if you have played Pocket Camp.
However the advantages are not likely to be a big deal, anymore than HHD was for acnl-WA (just got the giant items if you wanted them).
I'm not touching it. I swore off "appointment gaming" when other games with tasks with real-world timers and the option to speed them up with real money took over my life for a time. Pocket Camp looks adorable, but then, so does Amiibo Festival.
I guess kiwikenobi (town tunes) we are both playing acnl - I've never played an ac game in real time, I play every ingame day, just slower than real life.

I'm hoping I can down load Pocket Camp onto my household's ipad, we haven't got a smart phone.

Does P.Camp have to have a 24/7 wifi connection and does it have to be played in real time - ie you can't freeze time.
If you stop playing during timed construction I wonder what happens?

I want to play in case it helps/links in with an ac Switch game, for me its not on par with Happy Home designer (played a few weeks only). But then its free & HHD was full priced.

An excellent thread from those already playing:


Hoping its less of a grind than it seems to be. Never played a mobile game before.
I was hoping more along the lines of take your phone/tablet around with you and see what you can catch - sort of Pok?mon Go style?
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The game does require an internet connection to launch.

It does play out in real time. If it takes Cy-Guy 72 hours to construct a swimming pool, then that's how long it takes in real time too. You just collect the items next time you log on. There's no fiddling around with the clock in this game.

But there's no penalty if you don't play for a while either. Nobody will move away. Time passes, you'll miss any timed events (none so far), but everything will be just as you left it.
i'm kind of underwhelmed by pocket camp. at first i was really excited and eager to play, but after two or three days it just got kind of tiring and boring to me. there's not as much freedom in gameplay, some parts of the game are really dumbed down (catching bugs, fish? it doesnt require anything in pocket camp), and while i love that goldie is one of the first characters, and that early on you can get cuties like beau, the game itself just doesnt "grab" me the way new leaf did. also the mine is really frustrating if you dont have many friends/active friends. it's going to be a pain in the ass once people stop playing it daily and in such big amounts, i can feel it :(

its a cute game, nice little addition and its probably really fun for someone who is completely new to ac franchise, but if you have animal crossing already i dont think its that interesting. but then again, so are other ac games compared to each other, and people still love them, so maybe its just me that didnt get swept off their feet by it ^^
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It looks nice and I'm quite excited for it, but I do have the small feeling that it could end up being repetitive. But I don't know, I haven't played it myself. We'll see.
The game does require an internet connection to launch.

It does play out in real time. If it takes Cy-Guy 72 hours to construct a swimming pool, then that's how long it takes in real time too. You just collect the items next time you log on. There's no fiddling around with the clock in this game.

But there's no penalty if you don't play for a while either. Nobody will move away. Time passes, you'll miss any timed events (none so far), but everything will be just as you left it.

Thankyou! That clears a lot up for me - I wasn't after 'fiddling' time in the sense of making things go faster, just that I cannot play for sure any game daily. It makes a game feel unfair if you get penalties if you don't play 'all the time'. No major penalties - OK.
I remember the original Tamagotchi in the 1980's that caused a few problems, wanting to feed virtual pets during a school lesson.

However I am feeling more and more as MayorK says. I hope to download and have a look at PCamp, but can't see me engaging in it past a few days. But as ~Unicorn~ says, we'll see.