Anyone wanna help coffeh?

Grr closed again the 1st time someone was talking to me on msn then it closed, then another person said something to me and now it closed again. I signed off msn -.-
Finished the render! This is for anyone who is to lazy to render the picture!


You can edit your topic and put that there for the render coffeh but put creds to me! :)
Omgosh! I am so sorry there is no tail I am terribly sorry, well the tail wont probably fit anyway so... Hope you work it out!
D4rk said:
Omgosh! I am so sorry there is no tail I am terribly sorry, well the tail wont probably fit anyway so... Hope you work it out!
Thanks! That's good so far...but you forgot her tail! D':
GAH?! you chopped off the tail! that musta hurt...but she's still smiling?

infact she looks like she's gonna cry... LOOK WAT YOU DID! how do you sleep at night?!
I didn't know exactly what you want but here's what I got for you...


Hope you like it! If you want me to make a better one and this wasn't what you were expecting I could make you another one if you'd like! :)
D4rk said:
I didn't know exactly what you want but here's what I got for you...


Hope you like it! If you want me to make a better one and this wasn't what you were expecting I could make you another one if you'd like! :)
Alrighty lets see here.
I'd like for the girl to be in the center and you can see her entire body. The background I'd like it to be like almost pitch black with nothing much but darkness. Then the neon lights going around. I wanted the text to not be capitalized and I don't really like the font, maybe cursive? And don't write coffehbean! write coffeebean! x]
I'm picky! I know. =P
I also don't like things that move, in a signature. xD
Border must be black BTW x]
coffeebean! said:
D4rk said:
I didn't know exactly what you want but here's what I got for you...


Hope you like it! If you want me to make a better one and this wasn't what you were expecting I could make you another one if you'd like! :)
Alrighty lets see here.
I'd like for the girl to be in the center and you can see her entire body. The background I'd like it to be like almost pitch black with nothing much but darkness. Then the neon lights going around. I wanted the text to not be capitalized and I don't really like the font, maybe cursive? And don't write coffehbean! write coffeebean! x]
I'm picky! I know. =P
I also don't like things that move, in a signature. xD
Ok, will do =p
She's not crying, you can see some blush it looks more like someone wants to rape her and she's like "Nuuu <:0*blush*"
Megamannt125 said:
She's not crying, you can see some blush it looks more like someone wants to rape her and she's like "Nuuu <:0*blush*"
Yeah, youd know what someone whos about to be raped looks like ^_^ ^_^
nintenmad said:
Megamannt125 said:
She's not crying, you can see some blush it looks more like someone wants to rape her and she's like "Nuuu <:0*blush*"
Yeah, youd know what someone whos about to be raped looks like ^_^ ^_^
Megamannt125 said:
She's not crying, you can see some blush it looks more like someone wants to rape her and she's like "Nuuu <:0*blush*"
Holy *censored.2.0*. Mega if you're gonna start that start is somewhere else because I don't want my thread to become your little perv. hot spot.

And yes she is crying:

See that? It's a fricken tear.

D4rk, anything that looks like fancy cursive.
Man, I wish I can make a signature to your needs. But my Graphics engine can't do that glitter stuff.
coffeebean! said:
Megamannt125 said:
She's not crying, you can see some blush it looks more like someone wants to rape her and she's like "Nuuu <:0*blush*"
Holy *censored.2.0*. Mega if you're gonna start that start is somewhere else because I don't want my thread to become your little perv. hot spot.

And yes she is crying:

See that? It's a fricken tear.

D4rk, anything that looks like fancy cursive.
She's crying cause she's about to get raped, that's why she's blushing a little too.