Hmm, maybe you could look at bitterlings' way of dealing with the wait list? It's quite similar to your suggested method :> Should I link their shop here?I think this is how this is gonna work...
ill give waitlist people a chance to post, but once i accept a commission from them, they'll be removed from waitlist and need to be put back up. it'll act as a queue i guess... ? not really sure how to work with this tbh
if i dont accept your commission you will stay on the waitlist.
with this you dont have to be on waitlist to get a comm from me, but waitlist have more priority ? idk tbh if anyone has any good ideas please let me know LMAO
Hmm, maybe you could look at bitterlings' way of dealing with the wait list? It's quite similar to your suggested method :> Should I link their shop here?
? I'm sorry, I don't really get what you mean? XP The method bitterlings uses is basically, if you want art, you can ask to be on the wait list. Then? When slots open, if you're on the wait list, you can post an order, regardless of where you are on the queue, and bitterlings will consider whether or not to accept it. If they accept it, you'll be talen off the wait list, but if not, you can stay on for next time. This, it gives priority to those who have been waiting for slots to open, but if you don't want to order anymore, then you don't need to post an order or whatever.the thing is that i dont want someone on waitlist to feel like they have 2 get it at that time u feel me
idk sometimes im like. i want art. and others im just like nah ?? and ??? idk i dont like feeling like im FORCED to do something even tho its not rly forcing someone in this sense but idk. im a mess
? I'm sorry, I don't really get what you mean? XP The method bitterlings uses is basically, if you want art, you can ask to be on the wait list. Then? When slots open, if you're on the wait list, you can post an order, regardless of where you are on the queue, and bitterlings will consider whether or not to accept it. If they accept it, you'll be talen off the wait list, but if not, you can stay on for next time. This, it gives priority to those who have been waiting for slots to open, but if you don't want to order anymore, then you don't need to post an order or whatever.
Was that helpful? (Probably not, haha)
ohhhmygod he's ADORABLE <3
so glad I commissioned you, thanks so much C:
thank you so much for picking me for the slot <3 sending the tbt right now!
Ah, no problem! :> I'm glad I was able to help, hahah
it was ! that's exactly what I'm saying I want to do thank you omg