Are items timelocked backwards now?


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2018
I heard some talk about past seasonal items being timelocked, so you can't order them again if you TT back to that particular date, and I never managed to get my hands on a sunflower rug so I TT'd back to June 7th of last year, and the rug wasn't orderable in my special items anymore :(
I don't time travel, so I wouldn't be able to confirm this. If you tried to go back to June of last year and it wasn't there, I would say it's probably gone until this June. Which isn't too far off. Did you make sure it was June 2020 and not 2021? Also did you try going to June 2021? The update stated that Wedding day would be part of it and that takes place on June. So the update might have the sun rug re-added for this June. Unless that is also time locked.
IIRC the Sunflower Rug was only added into the game in Nov or Dec of last year which coincided with the South Hemisphere summer solstice. North Hemisphere people couldn’t get it unless they traded for it. I don’t TT so I can’t check but it could be possible it hasn’t been unlocked in North Hemisphere since we didn’t get it in last years summer cycle.
IIRC the Sunflower Rug was only added into the game in Nov or Dec of last year which coincided with the South Hemisphere summer solstice. North Hemisphere people couldn’t get it unless they traded for it. I don’t TT so I can’t check but it could be possible it hasn’t been unlocked in North Hemisphere since we didn’t get it in last years summer cycle.
I think you're thinking of the summer-shell rug. There was a winter rug and summer rug added into the game around late last year. They were in the form of DIY balloons. The rug they're referring to was one of the orderable seasonal rugs. Everyone got those regardless of what hemisphere they choose.
All seasonal items from May 1 until the end of July 2020 are no longer obtainable. Meaning, you all have to wait for them this year instead.
I think you're thinking of the summer-shell rug. There was a winter rug and summer rug added into the game around late last year. They were in the form of DIY balloons. The rug they're referring to was one of the orderable seasonal rugs. Everyone got those regardless of what hemisphere they choose.

I think in addition to the summer shell rug DIY, they also added in the new Sunflower Rug which should be orderable during the June-July period but since it was added in Nov/Dec 2020, north hemisphere people had to wait until June 2021. I just double checked AC World and they seem to say the same last year. Well, according to the post above the May-July 2020 items aren’t orderable anymore so I suppose it makes no difference now. ^^
I'd be fine with this if they didn't do what they did with Rovers framed photo. You should have the option to go back, this isn't real life and I personally don't think there should be unnecessary frustrations in a game.
I understand seasonal items being seasonal, but once it comes out, I don't see why they don't allow us to just order it again from Nooks year-round. At least then you could trade for it if you miss it or if the holiday/season is different in different countries. (For example, today is Mother's Day in Spain and it's in October in Argentina.)
No way, this totally sucks. Why would they time lock stuff backwards? Makes me not want to update my game ever again if they are going to keep doing stuff like this :( I never got enough New Years ramen or Berlins for my island (I had planned on getting at least 3 more of each) and if I can't get them now I'm going to be so sad
I'm gonna be TT'ing backwards soon because I wanted to try and get all the stuff I missed. I'll be really disappointed if I'm locked out anyway.

I don't see the point of it, if this is indeed the case - players would still have to complete any tasks needed to unlock the items anyway, so why not let them do it during a time period more suited to their personal circumstances. It's not fair (imho) because not everyone can play every single day, and many players take a hiatus from the game at some point due to rl commitments etc. It's a single player game so these kind of limitations just feel like pointless annoyances.
This reminds me of the items that they distributed via the internet in New Leaf, like the shaved-ice lamp. Some items were unable to be obtained at all unless you logged onto the internet in-game between certain dates. If you didn't happen to play during that time, you had to either do without the items or trade with someone who had them. Even the Gamecube version of Animal Crossing had items that could only be obtained using special codes you told to Tom Nook, and even then, sometimes the codes were never given out, even though the items were programmed into the game. Animal Crossing has always been like this. Doesn't make it good or bad, but it does make it unsurprising that it's happening again.
People, you shouldn't panic. "Timelocking" the items doesn't mean they are unavailable, it just means that they are available on certain years.

For example, right now on May 2nd 2021, you can access seasonal items from 2020 if you TT backwards except for those that have been updated for the 2021 year. You can't buy the Summer Solstice 2020 Sunflower Rug but you can now get the Summer Solstice 2021 Sunflower Rug- it's the same item, just appearing on a different year.

Seasonal tems beyond August 15th haven't been updated to 2021 yet, so you can get the 2020 items fine (if you don't want to wait for the corresponding 2021 update). They are not locking items per se.

Events are being treated the same way, but they do have minor differences from one year to another. For example, Bunny Day 2020 without the Nook's items is not available anymore because Bunny Day 2021 has everything from 2020 with some adjustments.

May Day is an event where they are doing some kind of progress, it's a special event atm. If you played the 2020 version, you get a new thing on 2021 but you end with both rewards. If you only played the 2021 version, you'll (probably) need to play the 2022 version to get the second reward because it's meant to be that way. You are not losing anything, you just need to wait to "unlock the upgrade".
This reminds me of the items that they distributed via the internet in New Leaf, like the shaved-ice lamp. Some items were unable to be obtained at all unless you logged onto the internet in-game between certain dates. If you didn't happen to play during that time, you had to either do without the items or trade with someone who had them. Even the Gamecube version of Animal Crossing had items that could only be obtained using special codes you told to Tom Nook, and even then, sometimes the codes were never given out, even though the items were programmed into the game. Animal Crossing has always been like this. Doesn't make it good or bad, but it does make it unsurprising that it's happening again.
There was also this thing with Best Buy where you had to go to one of the stores and connect to the internet/spot-pass them or whatever. I knew someone who worked there at the time and when I visited to check the game selection out they mentioned that there was a NL item available for the week. I think it was a clock or something?

I didn't get into the game that year and got it for 2014 xmas so I missed that opportunity.
I think it was a clock or something?
I remember a downloadable raccoon clock in New Leaf.


I don't remember if you had to go to Best Buy specifically, or just one of those Streetpass points that Nintendo had in certain stores. The closest Streetpass spot near me at the time was a McDonald's, as I recall.

Looking at a list of DLC items in New Leaf, it was actually a huge number of them. Seventy-five to be exact.

That said, some of them were reorderable, and some of them were added to RV's after the Welcome Amiibo update, though you had to have the amiibo to get access to them. But still others were not only time-locked, but region locked. For example, if you didn't live in Japan between certain dates and play the game during that time, and if you also didn't visit certain special locations in Japan during that time, you couldn't get those items without trading with someone who did. (Or someone who cheated...)

So, the way it works in New Horizons may actually be better than in New Leaf, because at least there's no region-locking. Though I, and most likely nearly everyone, would prefer if items didn't just become totally unobtainable after a time. They're still programmed into the game; Nintendo is just telling the game not to let anyone get new ones. And I think that's pretty frustrating.
So, the way it works in New Horizons may actually be better than in New Leaf, because at least there's no region-locking. Though I, and most likely nearly everyone, would prefer if items didn't just become totally unobtainable after a time. They're still programmed into the game; Nintendo is just telling the game not to let anyone get new ones. And I think that's pretty frustrating.
Isn't the only item unobtainable at the moment is a duplicate of Rover's briefcase? (although you can actually get dupes if you create new players now that I think of) Are there any others?