Are there any movies you think are under appreciated?

Hate to be the person to add onton their own dead thread BUT It's kind of a funny story is such a good movie it's abt a kid to checks himself into a hospital because he's suicidal but then he starts to question everything and just how uNCOMFORTABLE he looks when he first goes into the doctors office is me when I admitted myself for the same reason lastyear whoops
It's just rEALLy relate-able for somebody like me
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist
One of my all time favorites, but my boyfriend thinks it's dumb. It is dumb, but that's the best part!
The movie Pan's Labyrinth is sooooo underappreciated in my opinion! I never even heard of this movie until a month or two ago. I feel like it's forgotten about a lot in my country because it's a Spanish movie and I know quite a few people who just refuse to watch anything with subtitles, which I think is just plain annoying. Such an amazing movie!
people so often overlook that The Blues Brothers is the greatest American movie of all time; without question it has the best soundtrack, and includes the best car chase ever filmed... what more could anyone want?

likewise, people overlook that the alltime greatest John Wayne movie was The Quiet Man...

the greatest Swedish movie of all time, My Life As a Dog, is constantly overlooked in favor of weird scandinavian movies about vampires and other sadists...

Deadly Outlaw Rekka has the greatest opening scene montage of any yakuza film ever made, but it is overlooked because of the director's more extravagant work in J-Horror films...

you often see the same films comprising everyone's list of the greatest martial arts films of all time, but one that gets overlooked is Flashpoint starring Donnie Yen; its realistic street-fighting and emphasis on MMA techniques makes it ground-breaking and worthy of viewing...
Lol, yeah I've seen *that* vampire movie(the original swedish one not those bad murica remakes)

It was alright but terribly overrated like, bruh it doesn't even makes sense... "lol random vampire in a suburb"

And yeah I'll say like all original movies gets shoved away due to bad murican remakes imo.
"What we do in the shadows" is such a funny movie and I dont think many people have seen it... I honestly loved it. Its just your average vampire dealing with his - also vampire - roommates
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suicide squad!!!1!! im so sorry
for reals tho, fight club has bad ratings wHY?? im obsessed lmao, always have the pixies playing in my house
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World didn't do well at the box office when it was originally released but it's built up a bit of a cult following since then.It's one of the most creative and funniest movies I've ever seen.

I really loved the movie Sing. It was fantastic imo and it?s super under appreciated and not a lot of people saw it since it was marketed poorly.
"What we do in the shadows" is such a funny movie and I dont think many people have seen it... I honestly loved it. Its just your average vampire dealing with his - also vampire - roommates

What we do in the shadows and hunt for the wilderpeople ^-^

Nothing beats our kiwi humour ^-^

I watched an amazing movie called 'La vita ? bella', or in english 'life is beautiful'. It's an Italian movie about a Jew who meets the love of his life and brings up a child during nazi occupied Italy during ww2. It's really really depressing in parts but the main character has amazing personality and is full of so much life and joy.

They end up in a concentration camp and he pretends it's a big game for his son. The rules being you have to follow orders to gain points and if you get enough you win a tank. If you want to watch the best clip, there's a scene where a German soldier asks if anyone knows German so they can translate the camps seriously deadly and strict rules to all the Italians. The main character volunteers not knowing a word of German. What follows is the German guy with his serious rules doing an ultra intimidating voice, followed by the main characters Italian voice explaining the rules of the game. Like it'll be in German "do this and you will be killed" and then the character says in Italian "no stealing candy".

It's truly a wondrous movie and the ending is bitter sweet. Tears of joy and sorrow. A must watch. (I think it won a film festival when it released however many years ago.

Here's a link to the clip:

Edit: forgot to mention his son (who's in the clip) is adorable ^-^
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Any film by Taika Waititi pretty much. Excluding the big blockbuster films he's worked on like Thor: Ragnarok as you really can't see his style through it. His short films are better than his feature length films in my opinion. You can view them for free online ^^ He's won a few awards for his movies, but only really made a name for himself globally through the Marvel franchise, which I think is fantastic, but I do hope people will pay attention to his own work too!
Diary of a Shinjuku Thief for sure to be on topic... I mean people praise that other famous erotic movie but I don't see this one being brought up much unless there are hardcore fans.