Are there any sites you got banned from?

lol I've been banned several places because I just like to troll sometimes. I'm banned from this neopets hacking website cause I was annoying as fudge, I been frozen so many times on neopets for using programs to cheat, I'm pretty sure I'm banned from the ACNL wikia chat for rudeness.

I've also been kicked off and banned from gaming servers

I goof off too much & ppl get mad :)
but I wanted to be good samiritan on this forum cause I need help with my dinky town and I'm overall interested in this community O:]
I've never been banned, but I've been falsely reported numerous times, mostly because I spelled things wrong. Idiots have a right to be stupid, and the users on that site are idiots. If your 8 yrs old in the 3rd grade, you get in trouble for spelling "poptart" wrong.

Also, It's never good to be too honest. I've taught someone that lesson, also constructive criticism. Most KIDS (I can't stress enough how important this is) don't take constructive criticism or honesty well. For constructive criticism, which has happened to me but not in this situation on another website, your basically saying that their idea is trash. Seriously. I taught someone that lesson, and they got banned for hurting someone's feelings with that.

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Was banned from a site for destroying some kids base. I got banned for simply destroying their defences. The WHOLE point is to kill everyone else. Taking down their defences to kill them is apparently against the army of 10 year olds that run that site. Continued of the story = I got the last laugh though.. made another account. Blew the whole island to the ground. (it was a very very small island their base was on.)

wow. You got in trouble for following the rules, like that makes sense. You're right. Plus, you shouldn't even get in trouble for FOLLOWING the rules. You probably got in trouble because they were sore losers, and they wanted to win (by default).

oh, lol, you got revenge? Up top!

To quote both of you, I would like to let you know that anyone under the age of 13 do not make good administrators or moderators. I'm not trying to be agist, but they don't know any better, and they try to come up with their "rules". The thing here is that they can't control their reactions if they see something they don't like. I'm not assuming that all kids do, but that's most kids that do it. So yeah, if kids are going to ban someone for doing one simple thing they don't like, I suggest that they shouldn't run servers.

In regards to that criticism thing, people of all ages (except under 7) need to accept criticism. Just because some people like their works doesn't mean everybody does. They should not take offense of constructive criticism at all, but they are more than welcome to take offense towards the kind of criticism trolls and bullies generally give. Whoever said something about criticism, I can't believe you got in trouble for following the rules. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

I never been banned from acts of injustice, but I have seen terrible sites where they ban for acts of injustice.
I got banned from Animal Crossing Community twice. It was terrible. :(
I got myself banned from ACC at least...5 times? Though the last time was entirely on purpose cos I got sick of that place.
In 2011, I was banned off of Instagram for allegedly "Posting pornography content". I never did, but it was odd. I still to this day don't know what I did.. :-:
... I have a Friend who posts Pr0n on her Instagram... She isn't banned .-.
I also thing instagram is dumb, I don't get the point of posting selfies and stuff.
yessss haha i was banned from a webkinz forum back when i used to play it, the rules were so dumb, if you talked about a banned member BANNED, if you talked about another webkinz forum BANNED, if you corrected a mod BANNED.
the reason was because i put lyrics in my signature from skyscraper by demi lovato and the mod told me that it was inappropriate, i basically just told her that it wasn't inapropriate and she got mad and banned me for a month, the reason "learn to treat people with respect" lmao.
and then another time, same website, cause it's 'against the rules to talk about trading webkinz items', me and my friend were talking about trading on chicken smoothie (a virtual pet website thing) and this dumb old lady banned us out of the blue, sent numerous emails to the website and they weren't returned. site is so dumb, a bunch of people on there still use is and act like they own the place, filled with cocky little kids tbh
I got banned on moshimonsters for doing glitches on their forum.
Other than that, haven't been banned anywhere else.
Er, I used to use this used-to-be-kind-of popular site (That I kind of still use?). I'm pretty sure it was called Whirled. I made an account back in 2009, and got banned for 'ripping'. Honestly, it was me being curious and wanting to see if the glitch worked, so, yeah.

Other than that, I haven't really been banned from any websites.
Oh I completely forgot! I have been banned once from ACC. I don't remember why, but I know it was for a reason that most websites wouldn't even give a warning for.
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I only got banned from one website, and it's Horse isle. The reason was because my screen name was "Buttslayer2000".
I only got banned from one website, and it's Horse isle. The reason was because my screen name was "Buttslayer2000".
Worried if you were coming' fo' the booty, that's all.

Uhh, I got banned various times on Habbo Hotel for the whole "THE POOL HAS AIDS" phase Habbo had years and years back, while it was incredibly dumb and somewhat racist, it was just so funny for my 13 year old mind.
not many

i was briefly banned from PKMN a long time ago
a neopets account i made was banned after 5 mins because the name was g0dsend
i got my school banned from iscribble 3 years ago because me and friends trolled as guests

i got my school banned
i got my school banned
i got my school banned


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no because i am a good noodle

I'm laughing harder than is good for my health right now

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I got banned from Roblox. Wanna know why? I used the F-word. :p

Roblox doesn't ban anyone for anything nowadays. >_> It's pretty dumb.

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Banned on a wiki (I wont say which one) because someone took what was really constructive criticism as an "attack". They asked for CC on something, too.

Also banned on ACC for saying "r.i.p.". I really don't care when the ban ends.

Call me stupid, but...

wat is acc