Are there any sites you got banned from?

One time, one of my friends first forced me into a club penguin account, and than typed on my keyboard a certain swear word I do not want to share.
I got banned on smackjeeves for accidentally creating two accounts. However, it was an I.P ban, so I just made another account on a different computer >: D
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ACC. I don't think I discuss how I got banned on here without getting in trouble. It was bad, but hilarious.
@Okabiness: ACC stands for "Animal Crossing Forum". i'm leacing it at that.
I remember Animal Crossing Community and what I heard from a thread made two weeks ago. Did you know that I was thinking about joining ACC before, but I decided not to? Besides, judging by the very bad moderation system they have, I would not last a week there. So that makes a total of three sites I was banned from (, Total Drama Wiki, and the TDA forum on Cartoon Network's official site.
Clash of Clans forums. I seriously went on there one day, to ask one thing, but I was on a road trip so I had to use my phone, in other words, only had access to the mobile site. Anyway, I went on there, posted, and the first 3-4 replies were fine. Then I come back with an explosion of people flipping out over a poll that was on there. I was on mobile so had no ability to see or make a poll. Anyway, apparently it was relating to skill level of the game and race, apparently it had a very racist edge to it as well, but can't remember exactly. Come back later when I finally had access to a computer, only to find I was banned for racist trolling. I seriously never did a thing. I changed all my passwords because of this lol.
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I've never been banned from a site, but tumblr had deleted my gore/horror blog after someone reported it for its content. Which is stupid considering how many gore blogs are on tumblr, but I digress. It probably had to do with the fact that the gore I reblogged wasn't strictly limited to movie gore.
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only temporary bans, you are very naughty. urchin, i am disgusted by the uncleanliness of your mother's womb.