Are There Any Super Specific and/or Insignificant Features That You Wish Were in Animal Crossing? If so, Please Share!

Past villagers writing to the player(s) from time to time. Just a quick line about how their new life is and that they were thinking about us/the memories. (❁´◡`❁)
I'd love this, or just any situation where previous villagers could randomly reappear. I liked how in NL you could find your old villagers walking around main street. Would also be nice if villagers you invite to HHP acted more like they remembered you.
Back again with another one. I probably wouldn't be jumping for joy if it was actually included in the games, nor do I think it's a feature that really should be added, but I think it'd be cool to have a fishing boat. Like, hop in Kappn's boat and off you go, riding the waves to catch some fish that wouldn't be near a shore.
I personally REALLY want sharp and flat notes in the town tune creator. I’m not sure how it would be implemented, but it would be so cool. Or better yet, the inclusion of chords like you find on a piano too!
ugh YES ive wanted this forever… if they think it’ll be too confusing for people, they could just make it like an “advanced mode” toggle or something and keep the default as C major/A minor
Mini games from items.
Yeah I know there were some in the past the game console items... But I'm thinking more along the lines of... Oh you have the volley ball net item. Let's click on it and play volley ball with some of the villagers you actually have in your town. Maybe one of the NPCs will play too if they are in your town at the time.

Volley ball net - volley ball with villagers/npcs
Checkers - checkers with a normal or cranky villager that's in you town
I know that could open up the can of worms like why does this item spark a mini game and not that item?
But if public work projects come back.. things from that could be the standard. So a volley ball net wouldn't be a normal item anymore. A game of checkers could be a large functioning novelty item. And we could still do fun touristy attractions like an art sculpture.
A bonfire to roast marshmallows and assemble s'mores for your villagers and NPCs at dusk. Let Blathers out of the museum that way along with drink breaks at Brewsters. Allow traveling merchants to experience your town they are visiting.

Other things is like to see are clicking on a magazine in a normal villager's house allows you to help finish a word search for your normal villager. Or triggers dialog about an item they are thinking about ordering from the magazine. But not magazines in other villager houses.
Maybe on a rare occasion a lazy villager will ask you for your help finding a lost item in their house. Clicking on things like the trash can, couch, or fridge will allow you to POSSIBLY find the lost item they are actually looking for. Different kinds of dialogue could spawn from that so it isn't always the same Everytime you help them look for a lost item in their house.
Similar to what @/nightglow said, a book stand would be cool. The stories wouldn't have to be long or anything, but it would be fun to be able to read quotes from different books you buy in game. Also really like the idea of finding something a villager lost, reminds me of the hotel in Pokemon X/Y
I think it would be really cute if they added interactive emotes you could do with your villagers and friends like hugging or high fives!
This is honestly the most minor thing I really want implemented in the next game. I've seen a few fan shorts of human villagers hugging animals, and it would make me tear up if I saw my own character hugging my favorite animals. I'm serious!

Working lawnmower to help with the flowers currently taking over my island after not playing for years
That's a really great idea. More furniture items in general that provide functionality would be great, like musical instruments, sports stuff and construction equipment. Maybe the ability to "rope off" flowers so that they stay in one area would also be beneficial.
I definitely agree with you on the sharp note thing. I hate when I have a town tune idea, but I can’t make it sound 100% accurate because some of the notes aren’t naturals. I can’t imagine that it would be that hard to implement.

I can’t think of many other ideas at the moment, but how about lightning? During thunderstorms you’ll see flashes, but you never actually see lightning strike anything (at least not to my knowledge… someone can tell me if I’m being dumb right now). How about having lightning be able strike trees? It’s incredibly rare and is only cosmetic, as the tree won’t die or anything. But it would be cool and has no real effect, which is all that matters.

I probably have more to say, but I don’t remember it now, so I’ll come back whenever I do.