Vintage Viola
So-called Representative🌸
Are you fully satisfied with the work you've put into your island? My friends have told me mine is beautiful, and even strangers I've traded with have done the same, and I love what I did. But at the same time, I feel like I didn't really use the space to its fullest potential (it feels tiny but I know it isn't). I'm proud of it, but I also feel like it can be improved. I've created a second island on my switch lite so I can start over without really starting over, to see what more I can do.
Have you ever felt this way? If so, would you flatten your island and start the building process from ground up again? I know a lot of players do this. I've seen some redo their island regularly for each season/holiday. If you wouldn't start completely from scratch, what would you change?
Have you ever felt this way? If so, would you flatten your island and start the building process from ground up again? I know a lot of players do this. I've seen some redo their island regularly for each season/holiday. If you wouldn't start completely from scratch, what would you change?