Are you 100% happy with your island?

Are you happy with your island?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 22.2%
  • Somewhat

    Votes: 19 42.2%
  • No

    Votes: 15 33.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 1 2.2%

  • Total voters

Vintage Viola

So-called Representative🌸
Sep 6, 2015
Ghostly Preserves
Ghostly Preserves
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Ocean Pearl
Dino Plush
Camp Bell Tree 2021 Patch
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Dino Plush
Clownfish Plush
Are you fully satisfied with the work you've put into your island? My friends have told me mine is beautiful, and even strangers I've traded with have done the same, and I love what I did. But at the same time, I feel like I didn't really use the space to its fullest potential (it feels tiny but I know it isn't). I'm proud of it, but I also feel like it can be improved. I've created a second island on my switch lite so I can start over without really starting over, to see what more I can do.

Have you ever felt this way? If so, would you flatten your island and start the building process from ground up again? I know a lot of players do this. I've seen some redo their island regularly for each season/holiday. If you wouldn't start completely from scratch, what would you change?
Yes and no. I feel the same as you do. I'm content with how it is right now but inspiration will eventually strike and then I'll be tearing up everything again to make something new. 😂 My town has changed so drastically and I don't think I'll ever be 100% satisfied with my town. I'd be more likely to lose interest and abandon the game than say "Yes my town is finished and perfect. There is nothing left to do because it can't get any better than this." The terraforming feature helps a lot. In ACNL I eventually got to a point where there wasn't much else I could do in the game.

I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I think my next project will be adding some water to my island! I have some tiny streams here and there but everything is so small. I went to some random dream islands and forgot that there are actually rivers in this game! 4 tiles wide, can you believe that? ;) I've never totally flattened my island before, I only change chunks of it from time to time. Maybe I'll do it one day but that's a lot of money. Yeah, money is more of an issue for me than time or effort. 😂

I like to decorate for the seasons and holidays, but I don't go so heavy on the theming. Right now I have illuminated and Festive trees up here and there, and the walkways are all lined with red and white flowers. Lucky for me right after Christmas is Valentine's Day, so I can keep using the same flowers! 😈 But maybe I'll throw in some pink. I have some ideas for what I want to do in the summer but no ideas right now for late winter/early spring.
I am happy with my island. But I am not satisfied. I have a lot of vision for my island that I couldn't implement properly. Also, as much as I don't want to be that guy, I'm still waiting for more items and characters.

But that's okay. Because it always gives me room for improvement.
in all honesty, no. despite the fact that i’ve had the game since launch, i’ve neglected decorating my island quite a bit, instead choosing to focus on other things such as interior design, expanding my catalog, working towards the nook mile achievements, etc.

however, while i may not be satisfied, i am hopeful. as of right now, there’s only two areas on my island that have been completed and while they may be small, i’m happy with how they’ve turned out and so, while it’s definitely going to take a while, i believe that i will be happy with it someday. :)
I am. Even though I've been making some changes to it in the past couple weeks, it's more due to having access to items I didn't have before, rearraging flowers, and swapping two villagers houses. Some of these are things that I should have done some time ago, but I've decided to finally do it all before Christmas.
This is going to sound weird but I'm happy, satisfied and content with my island.

I'm sure my island is far from being beautiful by most players' standards. No one has told me my island is beautiful. (I'm playing AC like a single player game anyway. :LOL: ) But it's not cluttered, it looks nice to me, I know where everyone and everything is, I don't have a problem with over-multiplying flowers, finding bugs or shooting down balloons. There is space for seasonal decorations. I don't feel like my island lacks anything. (Again, if other players saw it, they'll probably tell me it's lacking. A lot. Not enough terraforming, not enough decorations, not enough interesting spots. I'd understand why. But those yardsticks aren't mine.)

I look forward to spending a little time in the game everyday. Running around my island feels good. That's all that matters. :geek:
This is going to sound weird but I'm happy, satisfied and content with my island.

I'm sure my island is far from being beautiful by most players' standards. No one has told me my island is beautiful. (I'm playing AC like a single player game anyway. :LOL: ) But it's not cluttered, it looks nice to me, I know where everyone and everything is, I don't have a problem with over-multiplying flowers, finding bugs or shooting down balloons. There is space for seasonal decorations. I don't feel like my island lacks anything. (Again, if other players saw it, they'll probably tell me it's lacking. A lot. Not enough terraforming, not enough decorations, not enough interesting spots. I'd understand why. But those yardsticks aren't mine.)

I look forward to spending a little time in the game everyday. Running around my island feels good. That's all that matters. :geek:
To be honest, many players think a "good looking island" is just a huge amount of items and patterns thrown together as long as they fit their theme. To me, islands that have many waterfalls that don't make sense (the water doesn't fall on a river or a lake), where there so much clutter that navigation becomes a problem, and islands where people try to create fake buildings using simple panels and other things using forced perspective are often the ones that I dislike the most.

For me, it's about making a village in the forest (in this case, in a island, but I still keep the idea of the original game with me). It may be too simple for some, but I don't want my island to look like Kowloon or a shanty town for faeries lol
Define "fully satisfied".

Are we ever satisfied and content with the stuff we have? The life we lead?

No. There will always be something interesting, something adorable, or envious on a random person's island. Be it a specific item, a specific path design, or a design you never came across.

The key to being satisfied is not letting yourself fall into the endless dark spiral that's called "my island will never be good enough". Every island is perfect in their own special way. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
This is going to sound weird but I'm happy, satisfied and content with my island.

I'm sure my island is far from being beautiful by most players' standards. No one has told me my island is beautiful. (I'm playing AC like a single player game anyway. :LOL: ) But it's not cluttered, it looks nice to me, I know where everyone and everything is, I don't have a problem with over-multiplying flowers, finding bugs or shooting down balloons. There is space for seasonal decorations. I don't feel like my island lacks anything. (Again, if other players saw it, they'll probably tell me it's lacking. A lot. Not enough terraforming, not enough decorations, not enough interesting spots. I'd understand why. But those yardsticks aren't mine.)

I look forward to spending a little time in the game everyday. Running around my island feels good. That's all that matters. :geek:
Your response genuinely made me feel warm <3 you’re clearly very proud of your work, no matter what anyone might say about! Never change!
im never 100% satisfied with my island but i do like the way it is now for now. There's always room for improvements but sometimes im just too lazy to add anything more lol
Yes and no.

Yes in that I like the completed areas and wouldn't want to restart.

No in that I'm in the process of completely overhauling the layout and it looks like one big disorganised mess right now.
I voted somewhat. I like what I've done with my island so far but it's always a WIP and I'm constantly changing up areas I thought were finished to make improvements. I would never tear down my whole island, but I do make changes for the seasons, and bc Christmas is coming up I'm looking forward to making my island more Christmas-y.
I think it's important to not compare your island to others bc then you'll never be happy, if you like what you've done then that's good enough!
In all honesty, yes! Yes, I am 100% happy with my island. It's not perfect by any means, but I like what I did so far.
I'd definitely say no, especially for my main island. Everyone who visits seems to really respond well to it but I'm super self-conscious about it. It's almost as though I never feel it's fully finished or presentable and because of that, lack the confidence in it. There's so many people out there with this amazing islands and sometimes I just feel I can't compete. I guess you should never compare up, that you should do what makes you happy. I've been trying to do that but I'm still terrified of posting my DA.
Meh, for me it’s somewhat. I’ve had people visit my island and say it looks gorgeous, that it looks bigger somehow and I really appreciate it! But with that said, it’s definitely not the best; I think could’ve been done with what I was given, and every and now, I find myself changing certain sections over and over again because I’m never satisfied.
I dislike my island a lot :/
at this point I'm not even satisfied with my house anymore which is quite annoying as there aren't many sets to replace the furniture I have.
I'm working bit by bit though and I think I'm going to enjoy the frozen diys
Lol no. It's messy, and I want it to be tropical themed but my brother wont let me. He already got mad at me when I moved Velma in from the campsite, so I don't think he would react well when I want to change the whole island.