Are you a Dog or Cat person?

I'm also afraid of dogs, they're too unpredictable and generally loud for my tastes; I prefer cats, both in real life and in-game.
Cats in game, both for pets.

I've always had really lovely dogs and two cats that I didn't really connect with. One was really shy because it was abused as a kitten and wouldn't let anyone touch her except my dad (plus I was really young when she died) and the other was quite nasty and disliked all people. I did love my second cat but my parents really hated her because of how mean she was and they eventually made her live outside. We'd give her food but one day she just stopped taking it because our neighbours started feeding her and she much preferred their yard because there were no dogs so she essentially became their cat.

However, cats have always been my favourite animal and I am getting a new cat soon which is really exciting for me. I am optimistic that this one will be nicer than the last two because we have found a really kind and ethical breeder that will socialise the kitten properly from a young age. The breeder we got our second cat from was actually pretty dodgy and more concerned with shows than anything else.
Cat person. I've never grown up with dogs so I don't have much experience with them. My friend has a dog and he always jumps on me every time I come over, he sometimes scares me lol. Game wise, cats also.
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I own dogs IRL, and they're cute in-game, but I actually prefer cats both IRL AND in-game, like Tangy. I really like cats for some reason, they're much more calm and they can do really interesting stuff.
In real life, I can't decide!! Cats are more laid back and sleep all day (but adorable) and dogs are a bit crazy, but so loving!! I have 4 dogs and cats. In ACNL, cats are cuter though :)
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I have three cats. I rescued one of them outside of my old work. But they're all my babies. I dunno if I could pick since I've also had two dogs too... but cats are the cutest. :p
I am a cat person in real life... I don't like how loud some dogs get. ^^;

In game... I think I still am a cat person? Unless you want to count wolves. I only like one dog, and that is butch
That's a really hard question. I have an all dog town, and I love them. I really like cats too, and there are some great ones in new leaf. If I had to choose, I would pick dogs.