Are you a narcissist?

Do you have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • No

    Votes: 36 92.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Good grief.
Mar 16, 2014
Green Candy
Red Candy
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Ancient Candle
Pumpkin Cupcake
Voodoo Doll
After becoming clearer and clearer over the years, it's obvious I have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). It's shown itself more and more as I have started college and whatnot. Do you have the disorder yourself?
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My first instinct is to doubt myself and worry that I am but logically if you asked someone that knew me they would probably say I'm the opposite of a narcissist
my self esteem is very low, and I don't believe I should be alive
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i'm weird. i despise myself a lot, i'd say pretty much 90% of the time. but there's that 10% where i'll have spikes of believing i'm the only one worth living and that mostly everyone else sucks and they should all die. so, uh...
i've had someone with low self esteem said they wish they had what i had before, which is pretty offensive if you ask me. basically i have spikes of "narcissism" (sorry, i don't really like that word) but feel absolutely terrible afterwards.
i really hate wasting people's time and barely ever talk about myself in real life with my friends so i always end up listening and advising but im not that sad about it because i keep a diary and lately thats been helping me get stuff out. i also have a pretty low self esteem and am self conscious about everything about myself which technically can be narcissistic but its not in the sense that i think i could be better than everyone else its more of a self loathing

tl;dr no
Not anymore, but I did have one of the most massive superiority complexes in middle school
I have some qualities of narcissistic behavior, but after realizing these traits were damaging my relationship with my boyfriend to the point he left but gave me a second chance, I have been working to change and rid of some behaviors.

Things I'd do: yell at him for not getting what I want, if he pointed out something he didn't (like me being rude) I'd respond with passive aggressive silent treatments that could go on for days, never ever ever admitting I was wrong even though I clearly was, caring way more about my feelings than his, always mad at him over something trivial, and just feeling entitled.

I really got slapped in the face with reality when he left me and I'm glad I came to the conclusion what I was doing so I can always be aware of myself and my actions. So glad he is working through this with me, currently we are happy <3
I very highly doubt I do since I truly do hate myself 90% of the time
No, I wouldn't say that I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I occasionally have bouts of narcissism like most people probably do at times, but in general I essentially see everyone as being of equal standing, myself included. No one is intrinsically better or worse than anyone else. I used to have a very low level of self-esteem, but in recent years that has changed. I feel that I manage to keep a level head about most things, so I don't really let any feelings of self-importance get out of control despite my boost in confidence.

Also, contrary to the definition of someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, I don't seek admiration and I have very high levels of empathy.
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I took a few tests online to guage narcissism traits and scored extemely low. I took it because I feel like I say "I" too much im online posts, lol. But that aside, I always feels like narcissists like to seek me out and attack me more than most people because of my personality traits... I'm terrified of confrontation and don't like to argue with people. I don't share a lot of information about myself (irl). I have very low self esteem, but I feel like a decent person due to being kind and considerate to others. I'm extremely sensitive emotionally and physically. I just had a confrontation with a narcissist about 20 minutes ago and still feel sick to my stomach, so... if I was like her we would probably get along better. She likes to say things that upset me and doesn't seem to listen at all when you talk to her.
No. I?m also the complete opposite of this, so there is literally no chance of me having this disorder.
I’m the opposite of this, but in a good way. I tend to put others before myself, but I also don’t hate myself. :)