Are you afraid of fire alarms

Not really. Though, the fire alarms in my apartment building are so loud and the hallways are very echo-y so walking outside when they go off is absolute torture. Some fire alarms aren't so bad so I like to stay inside and ignore them (they're usually drills or somebody burnt popcorn in college dorms) but you cannot ignore these alarms :(
a little. like if i know its going to happen, not so much, but if its sudden, i tend to jump a little
Nah, I'm pretty desensitized by them
My high school did frequent "random" fire drills to the point where nobody took them seriously (and if there was gonna be a fire, it'd be at the rival high school)
The smoke alarms in my house like to go off for 3 seconds in the middle of the night for something stupid like a speck of dust got in the alarm sooo
Very scared of them. Whether it be at home (which scares me the most) or at school.
Nah not really, it takes me by surprise sometimes, but no im not scared of it.

I'm scared of accidentally setting them off tho and getting in trouble
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No, I'm not afraid of them but I find them very annoying. When they have fire drills at work, I feel like I'm going to go deaf. And a few times, I've accidentally set them off at home by burning food or too much steam from the bathroom, and they're a pain to turn off. I also hate the very loud beeps when the battery is running low. It's like, okay, I heard you, but I don't have a's 2am, you can shut up now.
I used to not be, but living in a dorm room and knowing they could go off at any minute (sleeping, showering, etc) because someone burnt their mac and cheese is a little frustrating and i dread it.
Nah i'm not scared nor do they bother me... they are just loud nothing more to me lol
They just make me jump when the first beep goes off. And it's really loud so I cover my ears sometimes.
No it doesn't bother me. I've never been in a fire thankfully so maybe thats why.
Back in school, I used to jump in my seat when a fire alarm went off, cause it was always unexpected. Overtime I got used to it and didn't get scared anymore.

No, I wasn't involved or in alot of fires, it's just that the schools I went too had monthly drills so the noise became rather commonplace.
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I used to have a pretty huge fear of loud noises but its not as bad now. But if someones like "theres going to be a drill soon" I get really anxious
I used to get anxiety attack when I hear loud, sudden noises. My body goes into overdrive and I manifest all the symptoms of an anxiety/panic attack. I got much better though and now a days, for the past year, I've been able to control my responses.
Puts me on edge, but not actually scared. Any fear goes to me being afraid of annoying everyone else at home if it was my fault and the fact that my right ear is very sensitive lol.
I'd be afraid of the actual fire, not so much the alarm though.