Are you afraid of fire alarms

Nope, normally happy as it normally means we get out of class for a while! :p

Smoke alarms, however, are much more irritating. Especially when they're so sensitive that some unburnt toast or heat from the oven sets it off :rolleyes:
Fire alarms seem to mark important moments in my life. Right after i was born, they wrapped me up, handed me to my father, and I fell asleep, and the fire alarm went off. I slept through it. The night I got married, my husband and I went back to our hotel room and the fire alarm went off.

Doesn’t really explain the 2 weeks straight of fire alarms being pulled in 9th grade though. I was happy about getting out of class, I guess thats pretty important
I wouldn't say I'm afraid but I don't like the sound. I'll definitely jump and plug my ears.
Update to my previous response 2 years ago to this thread, I'm not as afraid of them anymore. I still don't like sirens of any sort though, and I still jump when they initially come on. I don't feel as shaky after being evacuated or whatever either.

I mean I was handing in an assignment that was due in 15 minutes and an alarm went off and I literally didn't react at all and sat there like "this building can burn down but at least I'll have my assignment in", so I guess that's an improvement?? lol
I'm terrified of fire alarms, mostly because I'm really sensitive to loud noises. Plus, I've had a bad experience with a fire alarm earlier this school year, where it went off at about 4am while I was sound asleep, and as if it didn't already scare me badly, I had to go stand in freezing rain in shorts and a t-shirt. That was such a bad experience for me, many times I lie awake in my bed wondering if the fire alarm is going to go off.

Luckily, the next two times the fire alarm went off I was home, and it hasn't gone off since.
Yes, actually, I'm terrified of fire alarms. They're like. My biggest fear. Idk why, but i'm actually more afraid of the noise than the fact that there could be an actual fire in my house. It doesn't help that our fire alarms like to go off randomly all the time. At 4 am. When I'm trying to sleep.

I think I know why I'm so afraid of them, though. Back when I lived in a dorm still, I slept on the top bunk. The fire alarm was literally like. A foot above my head. And our dorm caught on fire not once, but twice over the course of a single semester. (They weren't big fires and no one was hurt, so all was well in the end, but that blaring noise just inches above my head was terrifying.)
The noise is SO scary.. I understand that it's better for certain people, but for me- i'm extremely afraid.

Story time:

In elementary school, one day in third grade, the thought of a fire alarm came in to my head, and I decided to not leave the classroom for getting water or using the restroom, because I didn't want to be startled by the blaring sound. A few minutes after I told my friend this, the fire alarm went off. This scared me even more because I thought that if I were to leave the classroom in the future, I would be at risk of getting scared again. The next day, I "predicted" that it would go off again, and surely, it did. For the rest of the year, I was extremely paranoid and tried my best to not leave for the restroom/get water because of this fear.

Now, i'm not really bothered, and i'm less sensitive. I haven't had any bad experiences since, but I can say that I hate being put at a desk right next to the alarm.
Sort of, but not for a straightforward reason- I recently have been taking care of an abandoned rabbit and it makes me very nervous when the fire alarm goes off because rabbits are extremely sensitive to noise and it makes me worry that he could die of fright.
i'm the kid who would literally yell "oh fun" and cover my ears and act a fool
but they changed our fire alarm in my school so now instead of it blaring, it tells us that we need to exit and stuff. it sounds like a calmer ambulance siren.
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Yes, because there's always the chance that something bad really is happening. Sure it's annoying, as all heck, especially if it sounds when you're in the middle of sleeping, but what if that one time you decided to ignore it, it turned out that your home really did catch fire? hmmm?
Depends on the situation. I would probably getting in panic if I hear one in the middle of the night.
I'm afraid for my cat as when one does go off I have to put her in her carrier in my car. It's so cramped and being that it follows up with a loud blaring noises, she gets so terrified.
I have general anxiety(I really hate saying that, sharing it makes me feel uncomfortable lol), and while I've gotten better at managing my stress and fear fire alarms have always been a big trigger for me. I've been in a situation where there actually was a fire and ever since then every time I hear the sound fear just plagues my mind.
Luckily, my friends are very caring and know what to say when I'm freaking out which I really appreciate.
No, not really. If one does go off, I probably won't ignore it because it might actually be a real fire. They're pretty noisy too and I don't like when they go off, but I'm not scared of it. I especially don't like it when the fire alarm goes off in my house if the alarm itself is broken and it goes off on and on. I had that happen once and it was really annoying. :/
Yes. I still cringe every time I think about them. Once there was a fire and instead of a beeping sound, it was a long, continuous screech that I feel may have taken some of my hearing from me.