Are you content with your collectible lineup?

I wish I could move a few of them to different positions, mainly the apple, but it doesn't bother me much. I've just noticed the lineup would look better if some were elsewhere.
Eh.... I have lots of options to choose from to display, but the ones I want to display don't look very nice together.
i need more cakes, and eventually my popsicle but yeah so far i'm pretty content.
how do you get them to line up?

no, originally mine was ancient candle, avatar animation, username change, sapphire and an orange.
Haha yeah now that I got some cakes and fruit. One could wish it was all cloud bg's but.. whatever ;)
not atm, ill try and fix it up later when im bothered.
its hard bc they dont have dates in your inventory :/
not atm, ill try and fix it up later when im bothered.
its hard bc they dont have dates in your inventory :/

I know exactly what you mean :(
I like my line up. I like to pretend that it's a hand (the mitten) pushing pins on the dolls below
I suppose so. Although I wish I could have a pattern with the bottom as well, but the dates don't work with any of my collectables.
yeah i am!
usually have all red collectibles but i love the christmas ones~