I wish I could just change my airport color from Orange to Blue. My Island is filled with blue flowers and blue decor - So my airport sticks out a lot from everything else. -.-
Otherwise, I just hope an update will just let us customize all the permanent features so there wouldn't be any big reason to reset - other than to dig out from terraforming chaos.
From the poll itself and not including everything else...my beach rocks I guess? They're just taking up space and I really can't utilize them in anyway. I don't like cramming furniture in one spot. It looks pretty, but if I can't interact with it and have to just look at it from afar, it's not my kind of thing.
hm. i’m honestly pretty happy with my island for the most part but if i could, i’d likely change my airport colour as i prefer blue, green and yellow over red aha.
I'm overall fine with everything, although I may would pick another sister fruit if I could. I got pears, which I never liked that much. Oranges or apples would have been much better, but thankfully the pear trees only show up if I do island hopping, so it's not that much of a problem at the end.
I'm mostly happy with everything on my island but if I changed just one thing it would probably be the airport location which I'd move a space or two to the left so that it lined up directly with my resident services building so that I could make a good entrance area that ran straight between the two.
At first my RS location bothered me because it was so close to my eastern river mouth and the beach but now I don’t really mind it. I would prefer to have my dock on the eastern side so I voted for that, but it’s not a big deal or anything!
I am happy with the way my Airport has a Blue Color (its my favorite color) and the Resident Services is in a good spot where its not blocking the airport, but its near it so I can access it easy. This the layout I have and its been there since day one:
My peninsula. Got the second tiniest one which means more limited decorating options.
But I'd also love moving my RS a few tiles to the north and having a blue airport.
I spent ages trying to get the "perfect" island when I started, but ended up with a yellow airport which i'm not totally sold on. everything else on my island is ok, tho. would be nice to get to change airport colour but idk if that will ever be an option.
I think everything is fine on my island. The problematic elements (flowers and fruit) can be easily found somewhere else! I'll have all the flowers and all the fruits in the future and it's perfectly nice.
Peninsula is not perfect and secret beach as well, but does that really matter? I'm not sure.
I keep the most important: aiport color, resident service place!
The only thing I would change is (because I'm on day 3) Al's arrival soon enough... I'm scared lol
The most appealing thing for me to change would be to simply move my Resident Services a few spaces to the right of where it currently is so that it would line up perfectly with the airport. That it isn't a straight line is a bit of a pet peeve for me.
Aside from that, while orange is one of my three favorite colors alongside pink and purple, and despite me preferring the way the orange airport looks, I do prefer the black Park Clock, the black Snack Machine, and the brown Street Lamp that you can get from the Nook Miles kiosk if you have a yellow airport. Considering that yellow is my least favorite of the airport colors visually, I don't really regret my decision to go orange, but I have to admit that it would be less of a hassle if I could simply order those things in my own game rather than acquire them here on the forums.
Id love to have Hylithes as my starting flower, I don't have many, but I think they are just so beautiful. Then anything else beside pansies as my sister flower.
I've criedcomplained mentioned it probably too many times, but my resident services is off center by a single space. I'm looking into what others have done with slightly off center locations, but so far haven't found anything that inspires me. So still looking. Would be so much easier to be able to just move it over. Just one space....
Nothing really. I was very lucky that I got a lot of things I wanted for my second island. The first one gave me a red/orange and even though it went with my native fruit the orange I never really liked the colour. The green colour I got this time is so much better and goes with the Dodo blue more.
I'm quite happy with my island overall! I have a few spaces that are quite empty, which I should fix up one day, but it's the island I made with my villagers in mind, and so it has sentimental value! I didn't try to find an island with specific flowers/fruits/airport/map, but I'm quite happy with what I ended up with (cosmos, apples, blue airport, airport only slight misaligned from Resident Services)!