Are you keeping your starter villagers?

I let all of mine go
But my husband really fell in love with my starter pheobe, so he took her. Guess she's not really gone gone
On my current island it was Teddy, Renée, Norma, Phil and Anicotti (love her, but let her go) I don't have them anymore; But I still have my starter lazy villager, Claude.

I had a short lived island back in April of last year and my starters were: Rudy, Hazel, Flora (moved out), Stitches, Graham (moved out) and Goldie (moved out).
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i got agnes, i cant remember the villager paired with her but i think it was billy. billy moved out a long time ago but im definitely keeping agnes
i let mira go without getting her photo... didn't really like her.... replaced her with pashmina
& biff, got his photo recently... but don't want to let him go for rudy juust yet... :>

bubbles, i want to replace with marshal

& marina & jakey, i'm keeping :3... jakey, i love jakey.... but until i can get a amiibo of sherb, i'm keeping him... i miss him from my original, original island... the one i had before i restarted...
I still have one starter, Megan. I hate how she doesn't have her 'true' house with the beekeeper theme though. So as soon as it's possible to get her amiibo, I'm swapping my current Megan out to get the better interior. :)
I still have one starter, Megan. I hate how she doesn't have her 'true' house with the beekeeper theme though. So as soon as it's possible to get her amiibo, I'm swapping my current Megan out to get the better interior. :)
If you have someone you trust, you can move her on to their island and then straight back. She'll then have the nice house.

I would offer to do that for you myself, but I have my own Megan and she is never ever leaving lol
I started with Genji and Shari, who were great starters. Genji was my first favorite and he still lives on my island a little over a year later. I think I would like to move him out, because I would like to have the chance to meet more villagers. However, I have no idea how upset I will be to see him go, because I am very silly and attached to my specific iteration of Genji, and his messy, designed-by-me home. So we will have to see.

i have bangle, my original peppy too, who at least for now I consider permanent.

I have flurry too, who I think was originally villager 9? But am mentally preparing to let her move out as well…
My starter villagers were Frita and Louie and the starter trio were Peaches, Spork, and Sprinkle. Louie moved out a year ago. The others are still in my island today.
In my first island I kept my starter villagers Jay and Tammy. In my second island I got Teddy (kept) and Tammy (again, let her go). My third island I got Biff (may keep for a bit) and Rocket (planning to let go).
My first two were Hazel and Kevin and I liked both of them just fine. In the beginning I considered Hazel to maybe become a permanent resident, but we never really clicked, so I let her go.
My other early villagers were Lily, Prince and Pate and although I enjoyed all them, neither of them stayed for very long.
The only one who was difficult to let go off, was Pate - I loved her peppy personality and her design, though not exactly my style, is very cute. If it hadn't been for the color of her house and the fact that there were so many other great villagers that I was eager to meet, I would have liked to keep her around. Sometimes I still feel a little regret over letting her go, but I also really love my current villagers, so I guess it's fine.
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I only have one of my original villagers, Bunnie - I like her but I’m ready to change up my villagers. She’s been on my island for over a year so I think it’s time for a change!
I might or I might not. Not really sure just yet. I can’t decide if I should let anyone live on my island or if I should be picky. My two starting villagers right now are Sylvia and Sheldon. The other three starting ones are Beau, Bubbles, and Ellie. I’m gonna give myself some time to think before making a decision.
I might or I might not. Not really sure just yet. I can’t decide if I should let anyone live on my island or if I should be picky. My two starting villagers right now are Sylvia and Sheldon. The other three starting ones are Beau, Bubbles, and Ellie. I’m gonna give myself some time to think before making a decision.
Sheldon is one of my favourite villagers.
I let him leave my island and regretted it so I brought him back.

But if you care about how your villagers houses look inside, it's worth moving out your starters, even if it's just to get them straight back.
My starters on my main island Serenity were Buck and Flo. Buck has moved on but Flo will be there forever. On Jurai my starters were Axel and Canberra. I liked them both but they have both moved away.
I am! ;v; I wanted Pashmina anyways in the new game but Antonio has grown on me--plus he's the first to give me his picture! I can't give up now!
I've had the game since launch, and I had no intention of keeping either of my starting villagers (Snake and Ursala), so they're long gone. The game creators do sort of make it an appealing idea to keep them since they arrived to the island alongside you, but since starting villagers have barren, basic houses and since I had different villagers in mind and a theme for my island that Snake and Ursala simply didn't fit as well as others, I got rid of them. That said, they remain the only of the villagers I've had in New Horizons whose photos I've earned, since I had no problem with giving them bugs, fish, clothes, and other junk and/or doing deliveries for them because I didn't care what would happen to their houses. I wasn't really particularly trying to get their photos, I was just playing the game more freely, and it was never really a question of whether I'd get rid of them but rather a question of when. Once I'd earned their photos, though, it was just kind of like "okay, I've gotten everything out of them that I'm going to, time for them to move on."
I'm keeping one of my two starters for now, unsure about the future. I actually prefer Axel's starter house over his real house because I think the child's playroom look is kinda creepy honestly. I let Katt go without much thought because I just didn't click with her.
My starters were Goose and Cherry. I no longer have either of them. They didn’t fit the color scheme of my town.
Mac and Reneigh were my starting villagers I kept them a long time but eventually I let Mac go when he said he need to challenge himself more and travel. I was okay with his leaving because there was so many wonderful memories shared. Reneigh is staying permanently because she'd one that's hard to come by and I have grown very fond of her. My island isn't home without her.💕