Are you keeping your starter villagers?

I let my starters, Jay and Canberra, go. I didn't hesitate one bit when they asked to leave lmao
I'm definitely letting Louie go the moment he asks. As for Reneigh, I was planning on keeping her, but her interior really bugs me, and her exterior doesn't work for what I wanted to do with her, so I really have to think about it. I'm thinking of replacing her with Deirdre.
Aha hell no!
My first 6 are all gone except for Bubbles (who just asked to move) and Rodney (who had BETTER be out soon!)
Heck no, one of them has already left lmao.

Not that I don't like Paula and Hamlet, but there are many other villagers that I would much rather have. Plus Paula kept working out in my town square and it was just really disturbing :p
One of my starting villagers already moved away (Sheldon). Diva is still here but I can't say I'd be begging her to stay if she said she was considering greener islands~
i had agnes and pierce - i'm going to keep pierce because i like having at least one of every type and he's one of my favourite jocks anyways! but if there are other villagers you like more and you need plots, i would say let them move out! it's cute for sentimental value, but you might come across your starters again one day, and they won't be stuck with the ugly DIY houses lol
I'm not, I don't have much of a problem with them and I do get sentimental, but I don't like that they're practically stuck with their beginner interior. I'm booting them as soon as they ask.

I completely forgot that the starting villagers only have beginner houses! I definitely feel less conflicted about letting them go now 😊 Thank you to everyone who mentioned this!
I'm planning on keeping Fuchsia. If Coach asks to move out I might tell him to stay.
I started with Cherry and Stinky, and while they grew on me they ultimately don't match the theme I'm going for with my island so I'm sadly letting them both go when the time comes for them to ask.
Main Island two starters are staying. 2nd island starter jock left yesterday. 2nd island gets played late at night so I want night owls.
Mira and Samson were my starters, and I did let Mira leave because I wish she had her true home and not the starter one...I would let Samson leave if he asked as well!
I kicked all 5 of my original villagers being Cherry, Kid Cat, Audie, Mitzi, and Hugh because of their DIY furniture but I wanted to keep cherry but I replaced her with Mira that came in my campsite
I'm keeping Teddy because he's one of my absolute favorite villagers. But I'm getting rid of Diva because she's rude and I really dislike her design. I'd much rather have Shari as an uchi! I also either let or will let villagers #3-5 go as well, as they were only so-so random move-ins.
I had Sylvia and Antonio as the first two, might keep Antonio for a while, I did enjoy decortaing his home like a mini gym. Sylvia is okay and basically became my island's designated hippe villager but I want to explore other uchi options.
Ugh, I love Mira so I'd probably keep her if she was my starter. Mine were Dom and Diva. I plan on keeping Dom (his house is all pink inside so I don't mind the design, hehehe~) but I kicked Diva out as soon as I could.
Biff left a few weeks back, and I was indifferent about it. Didn't love him, but I didn't hate him. So I let him go.

Phoebe on the other hand....GTFOH ALREADY!!! God I HATE HER.
i’m planning to keep kid cat as he’s really grown on me and while i’ve become fond of tammy, too, i’ll be letting her go once i get her picture ;u;
Rocket is the worst animal of this game I cant stand this monkey's guts and her stupid super hero outfit, she is mean to me and all my villagers and I want her GONE

With that said, Mac is never leaving. I didnt know him, but he became my best friend. I love him, he is so funny, I love his frowny face. God tier. Best villager.
I'm currently planning to keep both (Sly and Rocket) for sentimental value even though I don't love either of them. Though Sly is growing on me...

I don't know what I'd do if Rocket asked to move. She's probably my least favourite villager on the island but she was a first villager, I hate telling the villagers to move, and I'm not sure I want to deal with NMTs or trying to trade for a uchi I like with all the villager glitches going around.
I kept one of them, Kid Cat. I may replace him if I ever get a chance at my favorite jock (Antonio) but for now I'm keeping him cause he's cute enough and I like cats. I let Paula go, very gladly so. I even tried to get her to move out by...alternate methods...

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Antonio is one of my two starters. Although I grew to like him, I won't have two jocks in the island, and well before I got the game, I had already decided that I HAD to have Bill.

When I move Antonio out, I'll tell you.
I already let my starter jock (Sterling) go
Deirdre was my starter uchi and she is staying forever! I guess its just me but I dont mind the starter houses that much