Nah. I hate the basic houses and none of them were dreamies. I pushed them out with amiibo cards because I heard they're less likely to move out than a regular villager. I'll also let go of the ones who we had to craft for as well, except for Audie because I like her and I like the peppy house better for her than her actual interior.
I already kicked out my starter jock Axel because I wasn't a huge fan of his design. My starter uchi was Frita and I was so ecstatic about it because she's one of my dreamies! Still contemplating if I should kick her out and scan her back in for her original home... I don't mind her basic uchi starter home honestly but it would be nice to have her original home but I don't know, I'm conflicted! For the ones we had to craft for I had Piper, Big Top, and Olive. I kick all of them out as well because I got Sherb and liked him more than Big Top even though Big Top was pretty cute. Piper, I wasn't a fan of and like Felicity more so I scanned her in I really liked Olive because she was super cute and my first sweet so I was sentimental about her... but I like Molly and Tia more and three sweets would be too much. For our first smug camper, I got Klaus and I was going to get rid of him at first but he really grew on me so now I'll keep him forever.
So far, I've kept mine. I'm not sure whether I'll keep all of them as time goes on, but I've grown rather attached to most of my starter villagers, despite their DIY homes. There are one or two who I might consider allowing to leave in the future, but for now, I don't want to let any of them go.
It's a bit of a problem, as I have a bunch of Amiibo villagers I would like to move in, and I like having some variety rotate through my town as well. I'll see how I feel about them in another few weeks, I guess.
From my 2 starters, I'm only keeping 1 (Bud). But out of the 5 starters, I'm keeping 3 overall (Bud, Paolo and Kiki ). I'm glad I'm keeping some of the original ones. It'll be nice to see how much and how many things we'll go through in my island. I'm also glad I like Paolo and Kiki's standard house as starters rather than their original ones.
Nope. Muffy has already been adopted out and Buck will leave eventually too. I like both of them a lot but I have other dreamies I want and their basic houses were so boring. Muffy had pastel-colored wooden block furniture in her hoes and it did not fit her AT ALL.
I have Diva and Doc in my starting 5 and I'm keeping them, but honestly I'm reeeeally tempted to move them out and back in so that they can have better houses. But I don't have either of their cards and I don't want to risk never finding them again.
My starting villagers are Bill and Renée. While I may actually keep Bill because he is really cute and he likes me most of all my villagers, I will get rid of Renée sooner or later because she really doesn't fit my island theme and she is pink,/purple, which I don't like too much :/