Are you picky about who is on your island?

Honestly, all of my villagers were chosen based on their species and color scheme. I’m very happy with my island currently, and none of my villagers are going anywhere.
I would say I'm picky; at this point all of my villagers are permanent and have been chosen mostly because of their designs. Even back when I used to do island hopping and barely knew what villagers were out there, I always had some kind of idea about what I was looking for. I never really payed that much attention to their house exteriors though, so I was actually very lucky that I didn't end up with colors that absolutely wouldn't work on my island. If I ever had to look for someone new, their exterior would definitely matter as well.
i like to have all different personalitys of villager and different house's exterior, so yes i am a little picky about who is on my island. Cx
Yes and no.
Im not picky on what villagers I have.
I want to try lots of them. Maybe one day even all of them (okay we all know im never going to)

But I have access to every amiibo so I dont island hop, or let auto fill. I get who I want when I want. If I get a whim, I do it.

(I've had the 8 villagers without amiibo already. Kept 3)
Yes I’m picky. I like to have all personality types except Jock because... nope. I also like to have all different species. The exterior and interior of the villagers house must look good to me as well as the look of the villager themselves.

8/10 of my villagers are now permanent and I cycle the two other spots. I’ve spent a lot of time mystery island hunting 😂
Kinda, i usually like them to all be a different specie and a different color but this time i made my island a bird only island. I think next time id like to focus on how their house exteriors look in order to match it with my island. So yeah, im picky.
For the first couple months, I let anyone move in and I tested out some B-tier villagers I had Amiibos of but in the end, I was very picky about who got to stay.
i am quite picky, i only want certain villagers on mine (unless if however i find a villager i like or they move in by default and i’m ok with them living here)

i never planned on having monty, dobie, or lolly, but they’ve stuck around and i don’t want them to go :D
i dont know if this is true so if anyone else has noticed this could you please tell me if this happened to you as well?
i had a town that had set villagers in it. those villagers after awhile would only give me the same recipes over and over again. i had to go to a friends town in order to get the new recipes. my friends town had a campsite where he would allow any and all villagers to leave and new ones to come in. i Think when you have your specific villagers eventually they will run out of recipes to give to you so changing them up is a good idea if you dont have all the recipes yet.
has anyone else noticed that as well in their towns?
i dont know if this is true so if anyone else has noticed this could you please tell me if this happened to you as well?
i had a town that had set villagers in it. those villagers after awhile would only give me the same recipes over and over again. i had to go to a friends town in order to get the new recipes. my friends town had a campsite where he would allow any and all villagers to leave and new ones to come in. i Think when you have your specific villagers eventually they will run out of recipes to give to you so changing them up is a good idea if you dont have all the recipes yet.
has anyone else noticed that as well in their towns?

Hiii! I can answer your question. My mom has had the same ten villagers that first moved onto her island since she started playing a year ago when the game came out. She's just only moved four out a couple weeks ago, but when she had her original, she got new recipes even after a year of playing. So, I think you are just having bad luck.

Villagers tend to change who is crafting three times a day. If you check their houses once in the morning and find a villager crafting, talk to them and get the recipe. Then come back and check in the afternoon after you did the first villager after it’s been a few hours and check for someone new crafting and get that recipe. After that, do it in the evening and get another recipe. If you do this everyday, you should find a new recipe once in awhile. At least, it’s worked for my mom. 🙂
When I first got the game I was open to letting randoms / non-top-tiers move in, and that's actually how I came to love Wendy and a few other villagers (and now they are permanent!). But especially having amiibos, after getting a full island I became more picky and the 'weakest links' are getting rotated after I get their photos, in favour of characters I will probably keep as my permanent 10.
Yah, I don't like having random move-ins. A lot of the time when I have a villager moving out I have a plan of who I want to replace them with- like, when Bonbon just moved out, I knew I wanted Audie to replace her (I move villagers in/out regularly, I usually keep 'em for a few weeks/months/a season, depending on the villager). But I tend to be more open when I have an open spot and all personalities already represented- like I'm planning to move Gonzo and/or Lily out soon, and then I'll just island hop until I find a villager that clicks! I have to admit, I really love the thrill of island-hopping, and I'm looking forward to doing it again. I also am still so enamored with the influence you can have over villagers in this game- I see so many players, new to the series, complaining about random move-ins and I feel like an old fart going "Well, back in MY day... that random move-ins was the name of the game- you got who you got and you LIKED IT, DARNIT." 😂

But someday I'm thinking of just having random move-ins. Maybe if I ever get a second island? I kind of like how they all seem to be voided villagers from other islands- so far the two I've (accidentally) had told me right away where they were from.
Yes, very picky. Sometimes I like random move ins to see who it could be - but if I don't like them I kick them out with an amiibo
Absolutely. All of my villagers were scanned in with amiibo cards except one. After years of playing animal crossing without the option to pick my villagers (before amiibo cards existed) I want to be choosy. It’s nice to actually decide who I want.
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Hiii! I can answer your question. My mom has had the same ten villagers that first moved onto her island since she started playing a year ago when the game came out. She's just only moved four out a couple weeks ago, but when she had her original, she got new recipes even after a year of playing. So, I think you are just having bad luck.

Villagers tend to change who is crafting three times a day. If you check their houses once in the morning and find a villager crafting, talk to them and get the recipe. Then come back and check in the afternoon after you did the first villager after it’s been a few hours and check for someone new crafting and get that recipe. After that, do it in the evening and get another recipe. If you do this everyday, you should find a new recipe once in awhile. At least, it’s worked for my mom. 🙂

i did go to villagers houses twice a day, i didnt know they would give them three times though so thanks for that! :D
i did go to villagers houses twice a day, i didnt know they would give them three times though so thanks for that! :D

No problem! Just keep on trying. Chances are you almost got all the recipes too, so that’s why you’re getting repeats. 😉
i do in the sense that i really don't like random move ins, but not in the sense that there's only a few villagers i like. i'm shaking up my lineup right now and decided to aid that (and help me feel less bad about letting some villagers go) i'm going to pick up amiibo cards for all the villagers i like. i've bought about 50 cards so far, so i'll go through all those villagers, hang out with them for a bit until i get their photos and let them go too.