Are you picky about who is on your island?

I'm pretty picky. I have a set 5 villagers that I've kept for basically my entire play through, and then rotate the rest of the plots. I mostly tried to experience many villagers in my favorite species, while earning their framed photos. During this time I've tried to gain some other villagers that I haven't really ever had in any other AC games before as well. I definitely don't go for random villagers though. Instead I try to hunt for ones that I haven't gotten their photo (and I want it), or villagers to trade.
I am pretty picky— I worked hard to get only the villagers that I really wanted. That said, one of my early starter villagers was Puddles, who at first I hated and thought she’d be one of the first to go. However, she has some how wiggled her way into my cold, dead heart and I now would never give her up.
I’m somewhat picky. I don’t necessarily have any dreamies but I still go villager hunting when someone moves out rather than waiting for the plot to fill automatically. I try to keep at least one of each personality type on my island for diy purposes and to keep it interesting lol. That being said I try to keep personality in mind while I’m hunting, and after that I just try to find someone cute😇
I have one plot that I'm relaxed about. I eventually will move in Coco but while I'm designing my island it's just sitting on the beach so I try out various villagers and move them on once I get their photo. There's another two plots in my town that I cycle villagers as well, but I like to have their houses look similar. So right now I have Diana and Ruby living there and once I get their photos I want to cycle in Anchovy and Leopold.
I am pretty picky with my villagers, I have to admit it! I did put up with some of the ones I got randomly for a long time, but they've been gone for a while now. All of the randoms I have gotten seem to be pretty out there and I have gotten to the point where I'd rather use amiibos to have exactly who I want. I do have a plot where I am cycling through villagers but I'm not leaving it to chance this time.
I am pretty picky with my villagers, I have to admit it! I did put up with some of the ones I got randomly for a long time, but they've been gone for a while now. All of the randoms I have gotten seem to be pretty out there and I have gotten to the point where I'd rather use amiibos to have exactly who I want. I do have a plot where I am cycling through villagers but I'm not leaving it to chance this time.
When I started my 2nd island the first two starting villagers I got were Mac and Sylvia. Already don't like them because of their designs. The 3 villagers to move in as starters were Big Top (meh), Savannah (she's alright), and most recently Felicity (to be honest I know she has a outdoor theme in her original home, but I'll keep her starting home and I do like her design).

I seem to have bad luck getting decent villagers because they all have that weird design to them that just rubs me the wrong way. Thats the same thing that happened to me on my main island back in 2020 and the first two starter villagers I had were Antonio and Rocket, then the rest were Patty, Skye, Dobie, Euegune, Anabelle, Nate, Shari and lastly Charsile. Its crazy how I remember that order since its been so long.

I don't blame you for using amiibos because I got so fed up of villager hunting where all I see is weird looking villagers on Nook mile islands and since I started a 2nd island its going to be easy for me to invite villagers I want since I wasn't able to do it before last year.
Somewhat? I have my favourites that I like to keep around, but generally I like to cycle out different villagers just for a bit of variety on my island, and because I'm working on my own goal of obtaining villager posters and pictures. Once I obtain their pictures they're free to leave.
lol yes, super picky actually. First their color scheme need to fit my island aesthetics, then I also want my villagers to be in specific species. Also, I care way too much about how their house exteriors look to the point of being

They are not necessarily top tier villagers or popular villagers but I make sure to hand pick who get to live on my island - most are easy on the eyes 😅
When I first started I had the clear cut plan of who I wanted, and planned to never change them. As my island was originally intended to be based around my novel, I picked specific villagers to represent my characters, and then I was named after my antagonist.
I planned to never change them, even closed off the entrance to the dock, and campsite. I had to remove all ten of my previous villagers to make room for the new ones.

But things changed, I got Ankha and my island deastically began to change after about a month and a bit of my original plan. The layout hasn't changed much.
Currently my island is far past my plan but in a good way. The layout is still the same, but its more based on the prequel to my novel

My current villagers I have I love, i had to let go of two dear to me sadly. Because they wanted to move on. But will forever be with me. Im not picky, as long as I vibe with them, then I'll take them. Appearences, personalities don't deture me.

My only thing is that all my villagers have to be male, so I don't let any girls move in. But if I have a current set that I love, and they dont want to leave, then I got no interest in letting anyone new in. Esspecially if it took alot of hard work, mening Island hopping to get them.
I'm pretty picky for about 8 of my plots but then my last 2 tend to change a lot since there's so many cute villagers and I have a hard time choosing lol. A lot of my villagers I fell in love with in New Leaf so they've just stuck with me and I knew exactly who I wanted and picked areas to represent them.
Permanent residents? Yes, absolutely.

Temporary residents? Not really. Whenever there's a space available, I like to visit Mystery islands and just take whichever one happens to take my fancy. I have my dreamies, but there's no rush for me to get them. I enjoy getting the photos/posters off villagers in the meantime!
Yes a bit picky. I don’t let in randoms. All my villagers I brought in using my amiibos.
I like choosing them based on how they look and how their hoses look.
I didn't exactly plan out my villagers, I just went with whoever I connected to a lot when I visited mystery islands. I thought Boris and Judy would be my permanents until I met Lobo and Vivian on some mystery tours! I also got Fuchsia and Felicity in my campsite and they're now my permanents. I prefer characters I can imagine in my own story rather than characters that match my island aesthetic, and I built my island story while building my island so I wasn't absolutely picky. :)
Yes and no, I kept my starters (Lyman and fuchsia), and the first peppy, lazy, and normal villagers (Bianca, Stu, and Sydney) however Im going to get rid of chadder because I set up a trade deal to get Wolfgang, my favorite villager, I might replace Sydney however due to me having 2 koalas, anyway there's my rant about the topic, so enjoy.
Yes, I am picky about who gets to live on my island.

There are a lot of villagers that I'm not a big fan of. I also don't usually allow random move-ins unless I let it happen by mistake or I was just super sick of villager hunting.

I also tend to choose villagers that are going to match whatever theme I have for my island. Their houses play a big part in that as well. For example, for my next theme, I spent about half an hour trying to come up with a list of 10 villagers that I would like.. There were quite a few that I wanted, so I had to really narrow it down.