I started to just wing it, but I moved my museum then decided I didn't like it there...so decided I better plan it. Here is what I have so far as far as landscaping goes.
I have a general idea of what I want but I don't like meticulously planning out entire maps. There's been occasions in past games where I had an idea for something, then upon trying to implement it I realize I don't like how it looks in-game. I think the same holds true for a map like this. I can try planning a pretty map, but once I've actually made it in-game I may feel completely different about it.
I tried to draw mine but I think I got the proportions wrong, with how long the sides of the beaches are where they meet the river exits. So I just gave that up and decided I would wing it. Slowly lol
I am 100% winging it. All I know is that I either want to live by a waterfall or I want my museum to be by a waterfall up in the hills. I haven't decided which one yet.
I've been winging it and just put down paths so far to see how I like it. I think I made good use of the island I got, I really don't know how I'd completely change it if I wanted to. I think I'm just gonna take like this month to get everything in place and paid off and then see if there's something I'd like to be different.
Definitely winging it but I have some ideas, like a shopping plaza and a promenade. Right now I'm trying to plot where I'll put my wolves on the north east of the island and figuring this out is harder than I initially thought it would be. But it's a good idea to remember that as long as you have the bells, anything can be changed. So I'm just going wild until I figure it out.
I am winging it. But I am doing it small sections at a time. I don't have the terraforming stuff yet though and I don't want to move tons of stuff just to move it again because I got an idea, change of mind, or decided it got in the way.
I'm winging a certain part of it because there is no concern to be had in that specific part of the map (I've known exactly what I want to do with it since the start!)
But I think I am going to remake my map in map editor so I can really decide where things should go, just as you've done!
i planned out the basics of what and how i wanted to terraform on the island designer website, except for pathing, and lemme tell you it really helped me out a lot! visualizing what i wanted in my head wasn't enough for me and if i didn't have that template of what i wanted in the end i definitely would've felt overwhelmed
I've planned the terraforming, the housing locations, and the shopping district through the island designer app, but everything else I'll probably either wing it, or plan it out once I get the terraforming all done.
I'm so happy I came across this post because I've legit spent ALL DAY OVERWHELMED about how this is gonna happen. I have a general idea of how I want things, but it's so overwhelming that I need to move all the houses and buildings, terraform, then move them back hoping they fit in the spot I terraformed. Then paths an decorations... ugh I'm so stressed.
I'm gonna try out that island designer thing and see if I can get a better visual!