Are you single?

lol when i was little i used to have "boy friends" LOLLOLOL , this year i feel like i am going to find somebody :)
Numner said:
Peekab00m said:
lol when i was little i used to have "boy friends" LOLLOLOL , this year i feel like i am going to find somebody :)
Good luck :p
aha, thanks ill keep you posted LOL i already have some guys picked out ;) if you know what im talking about!! LOLOLOL
D Man 83 said:
i am single,but i am in the middle of trying to get a gf
Tip: Be yourself. Dont try act different cause then she might not like you when you act yourself, trust me i know how that feels.
I'm single but I know my future. I see stuff in dreams. I haven't had a dream for ages which hasn't come true and I know who I'm gonna go out with in the future.