Are you sneaky?

I pick pocket my family from time to time just to be funny I return it, don't worry... And I can do some Nathan Drake moves around the kitchen to get a midnight snack. Lol.

This is when I am most sneaky too, or opening any kind of food package while someone is sleeping. XD
I'm not all that sneaky....maybe a bit when I'm in the kitchen at night?
I like to think I come off as pretty sneaky, but when I'm doing anything that requires being sneaky I'm super hyper aware and not chill at all so maybe I'm not sneaky after all :(
I am... I've stolen so many things (from convenience stores, I have standards... lol)
Absolutely. I have a very light pace when I walk so I end up accidentally scaring people often. It's usually not on purpose.

When I was long distance with my boyfriend long ago, I used to sneak around several floors to take the house phone (until I bought my cell phone) or would pretend to sleep when my parents were awake investigating, lol. Other times, I'll take a quick bite from my siblings' plates when they weren't looking. Those were some fun times.
Nope, you can usually hear this guy coming from a mile away. Although, I am quite clever, and I guess that would make me sneaky in the verbal and mental sense.
No, I don't think so. I just prefer being direct and genuine about things.