Are you the youngest, oldest, or middle child? Or are you an only child?

I'm the youngest of three! I get along quite well with my siblings but they are both quite a bit older than me
I'm the oldest of 4. My parents were more strict with me since I was the first and that was annoying, but overall I like being the oldest.
Biologically, I'm the oldest of two (technically, he's my half brother). However my dad remarried later in life and I gained 3 older step-siblings. My experience was 100% growing up as the oldest.

I don't want to get all 'it's free therapy time, boiz!' on y'all but I definitely noticed that my mom treated my brother way better than she treated me. She threw a plate at my head when I asked if she would just sit with me while filling out college applications. My brother took several hundred dollars from her for a deposit to college only to decide to drop out before even starting, and she didn't get mad at him at all. She attended more of his football games in just his last fall than all of cross country/track meets of mine she went to all 6 years of middle/high school combined. I mean, I'm happy for him that she apparently learned how to be a better parent between me and him - because she did start getting nicer to me as she treated him nicer too - but I'm still highkey resentful that my biggest high school bully was my own mother screaming at me and calling me names every night. Meanwhile my dad (I'm his only biological kid) does and has always treated me wonderfully.
Biologically, I'm the oldest of two (technically, he's my half brother). However my dad remarried later in life and I gained 3 older step-siblings. My experience was 100% growing up as the oldest.

I don't want to get all 'it's free therapy time, boiz!' on y'all but I definitely noticed that my mom treated my brother way better than she treated me. She threw a plate at my head when I asked if she would just sit with me while filling out college applications. My brother took several hundred dollars from her for a deposit to college only to decide to drop out before even starting, and she didn't get mad at him at all. She attended more of his football games in just his last fall than all of cross country/track meets of mine she went to all 6 years of middle/high school combined. I mean, I'm happy for him that she apparently learned how to be a better parent between me and him - because she did start getting nicer to me as she treated him nicer too - but I'm still highkey resentful that my biggest high school bully was my own mother screaming at me and calling me names every night. Meanwhile my dad (I'm his only biological kid) does and has always treated me wonderfully.

I’m really sorry that happened to you ): it seems like many cultures favor sons over daughters and it’s a huge problem and leads to a lot of emotional abuse :/ I’m glad your dad was there for you!
I'm an only child :D
I like it most of the time, although it can get a little lonely...
oldest of 5 checking in.
my little sisters are like 12-15 years younger than me, it's kinda weird honestly. we don't get along because im just not relatable anymore
I'm the youngest first oldest are my two sisters (they're twins) and second oldest is my Brother, and then there is me
There's just me and my sister and a 9 1/2 year age gap. I'm 26 she's 17.
She get's away with murder and is spoilt but so was I when I was an only child. When I was in my teenage years my sister was an infant so I was basically a third parent and did all the baby sitting. It was then that I began to get in trouble for absolutely anything I did and it was probably this point in my life where my relationship with my parents became strained. She of course still lives with them and could do no wrong, I moved out at 18.
I have one older brother and I'm perfectly fine with that arrangement
I don't think I would've enjoyed having a lot of siblings growing up :unsure:
I'm the eldest of the two. I get along pretty well with my sister fortunately. I was a pretty silent person before my sister came into this world.
I'm the oldest and have 1 younger brother.. we're 6 yrs apart s:
always wanted an older sibling, but oh well ;w; lol ~
Oldest of four. I don't think I'm very "older sisterly," but I do get along very well with my younger sisters (both three years younger than me; they're twins) since we've generally had similar interests and don't really argue, especially not now that I'm a little less bossy than as a kid. My youngest sibling is my brother, and we're not really close. We just don't really click and he frankly gets on my nerves all the time. But I can't complain too much since at least I've got great sisters and I don't know what I'd do without them tbh.
I'm the youngest of three. My brothers are 5 and 7 years older than me. My eldest brother died when I was 8, and my other brother I rarely see and never talk to. We were all close when we were younger, but things changed a lot.
I'm the youngest but it's just me and my brother. He was the favourite child and still is to this day.
I'm the youngest biologically. But I don't have contact with my bio-family which isn't something that will change.

But I have my siblings-in law and, age-wise, I'm still the youngest but culturally I'm the oldest lol since my husband is the eldest (so I get called older sister etc).