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Are you tired of winter?


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2009
Throwback Tickets
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
New Horizons Token
New Leaf Token
Poptart Easter Egg
Winter Mittens
So, my region's climate kept lashing out a lot of arctic air lately and now decided to unleash another huge snowstorm tomorrow afternoon. By the time last week's massive weather bomb came and knocked out my power for 9 consecutive hours, I've grown pretty much sick of seeing this gigantic white abomination called "snow" along with the unbearable cold, therefore perceiving winter as an unwanted guest that would take forever to get him out. I've gotten so irritated that I'm even considering shoving Mr. Freeze in an oven, set it at 500?F and smash the start button.

If you think you'll like it, you probably haven't experienced a true Canadian winter. I dare you to live in North East part of Canada between November and May and see it for yourself as an adult. We're truly a magnet of snowstorms and cold weather.

So, how are your winter going? Are you tired of the season already? What makes you so weary of it or not?
I've always hated winter because I'm sensitive to the cold, but this year just sucked. I live in New England, and while it isn't as cold or snowy as Canada, it's still cold and snowy. I just want a flamethrower to get rid of all of it.
the weather here is awful. i'm right by the canadian border (michigan) so i usually get some sort of blast of canada's cold air. for the past few days the wind chill has been causing the temps to drop below 30 and its been terrible. i cant wait for spring.
we've spun out in our car due to ice like 3 times because schools wont close if the buses can drive through the weather fine, which is B.S because there was a fatal car crash that caused 2 kids deaths nearby but 'oh the roads are fine and safe!' like puh-lease. end of spring, all that ice will be gone and it'll be nice outside. 40 degrees sounds like heaven right about now.
I live in Minnesota (honorary Canadian) and it's awful. I am sick of winter before it even starts. It was -12 early yesterday morning. Kill me :(
It was -15 a few days ago and my beard froze while I was walking back from work... I'd like for spring to come asap
Where I live and we've been getting not snow, but ice. I haven't been to school for quite awhile now.
The cold weather is the worst. It's supposed to snow 4-7 inches tomorrow. Kill me
I love the cold because where I am it never stays cold for very long and the summer season here is UNBEARABLY HOT. I'd rather be freezing than dying in the heat.
I live in England, which is pretty much winter 24/7. Until we get like 30?C in summer for a week.
I've always hated winter because I'm sensitive to the cold, but this year just sucked. I live in New England, and while it isn't as cold or snowy as Canada, it's still cold and snowy. I just want a flamethrower to get rid of all of it.

It sucks to live in Canada, I have to walk to school in -40 weather and there's still school because that's also including the wind chill.. UGH.
I live in England, which is pretty much winter 24/7. Until we get like 30?C in summer for a week.

We have summer?

I'm kind of sick of 'winter' at this point simply because in Britain we pretty much get all the negatives with non of the fun.

We have the cold miserable weather (well...colder and more miserable than what we have the rest of the year) and the occasional dangerous icy floors, but we pretty much don't get snow at all. It's snowed like twice over this 'winter' where I am and the first time it almost instantly turned into a layer of pure deadly ice and the second time it all melted within the hour. I think that it snowed a third time but it happened and melted away before I even woke up.

I like snow, which is probably helped by the fact that I've barely ever seen it in my life. I would honestly be fine with the cold weather and stuff if I could at least build a snowman ;(
oh no! that sounds terrible, i totally see why you hate it!
despite all that bad weather, i think its awesome that you're from Canada, id love to go there, maybe a different part though!

Unfortunately for me i dont live in an area of England that sees a lot of snow. snow is my favourite thing and i hardly get to see it which upsets me! i am looking forward to some warmer weather, however i got a new scarf today that id like to try out so maybe hold out for another day lol!
I like winter and I actually don't have any problems with it, the only fact that annoys me is that in my new school, having free periods in winter is veeeery unpleasant for me.
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I love winter but right now I just want it to end.

I want nothing more than to go out in warm weather and ride my bike.
It's so cold that I haven't been outside in forever.