Are you tired of winter??


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2020
Heyy, How are you??
I really love winter! When this season started, I was very excited for new recipes, furnitures and Toy Day. But now, I did everything and I don’t have nothing to do in the game. I am decorating my island, but it is already done, I just need to decorate some places. I am very excited for the next season, and you guys???
I also wish winter would move on! Spring is one of my favourite animalcrossing seasons and honestly the snow is only nice for awhile until I start to think that it looks abit ugly
Yeah, especially since it’s my least favorite season in real life. I was disappointed to learn that it lasts until the end of February—it definitely feels way too long when nothing new is happening. Hopefully the Pavé update will make it more interesting!
I've never liked winter in animal crossing. My island just looks... wrong. I have too many colorful flowers that kind of look out of place in the snow. Maybe if they had added a small amount of snow to the tops of the flowers I would have enjoyed the season more. Or maybe change their appearance to fit the weather.
I've never liked winter in animal crossing. My island just looks... wrong. I have too many colorful flowers that kind of look out of place in the snow. Maybe if they had added a small amount of snow to the tops of the flowers I would have enjoyed the season more. Or maybe change their appearance to fit the weather.
Same! I feel like it also could have been better if it isn't always snowy, but can have a darker blue)green grass sometimes
i always get sick of winter after a month. it was only slightly more bearable in NL because we had snowman bingo. with that gone in NH, the snowmen were essentially obsolete after a week or two for me. (not to flex, but i managed to get them all perfect first try so the recipes were easy to get.) idk, i just find the overall "color" palette to be super bland and unappealing. it's sort of magical, so to speak, initially, but the feeling quickly wears off -- especially post-christmas. also, like someone else said, the flowers aren't integrated well with the snow and it lowkey bothers me. if it was possible to store them, i'd probably uproot them all while there's snow on the ground (or periodically switch out the colors to match the seasons), but that's not an option unfortunately, and i don't want to dig them up only to have to go through the hassle of re-breeding all my hybrids come spring.
Not really. Its not necessarily winter but the fact that it is January, a month lacking in meaningful events and I get tired of is the lack of events. I had the same problem in September. The game was boring because of the lack of things to do despite it being autumn. Hopefully the Pavé update will keep me busy.
Always sick of winter after December, and that goes for real life too. I hate the cold, it dries out my skin so bad. And it normally rains or sleets here so that's even worse.

In AC the whiteness everywhere is just boring. There's no snow piles or anything to make it a little more interesting and yeah, the vibrant flowers on the ground is nonsensical.
But even on BoTW, I hate the snow regions, so yeah bring on Spring!
This is the first time I'm not tired of it yet. I bet I'll tire of it by February. That always seems to be my winter limit.
I also wish winter would move on! Spring is one of my favourite animalcrossing seasons and honestly the snow is only nice for awhile until I start to think that it looks abit ugly
I love the spring season!! I wanna see green grass again. I love when the sakura season appears, it is just perfect! Our last hope is the new update 😂
Always sick of winter after December, and that goes for real life too. I hate the cold, it dries out my skin so bad. And it normally rains or sleets here so that's even worse.

In AC the whiteness everywhere is just boring. There's no snow piles or anything to make it a little more interesting and yeah, the vibrant flowers on the ground is nonsensical.
But even on BoTW, I hate the snow regions, so yeah bring on Spring!

I’ve never seen snow in real life, I live in a tropical country. In winter it doesn’t have such cold temperatures.
About BOTW, I don’t like the snow regions either. Its difficult to see an enemy and weapons on the ground. Also, it was hard to get the snow clothes on the game 😂
I got the ability to lay all kinds of paving during the winter season, and laid all my paving based on how it looks in winter...if it looks terrible when the snow finally melts away I'll be annoyed lol.

But yeah I'm running out of things to do and can't wait for a season change.
while i enjoyed winter in game more than i thought that i would, i'm definitely ready for something new
I personally love decorating in winter because it makes everything look more iridescent and magical. I don't think I'm tired of it, but I would like to see some green grass again. The spring-colored grass is nice but the summer-colored one is nicer and more lush imo.
Nah, I'm from Canada. Winter is a 6 month long season in my world. I actually wish we could customize the season pattern more than just by hemisphere in the game.
I got NH last month so I've only experienced winter in it, definitely looking forward to seeing green grass! I hate winter irl, lol, and winter in animal crossing games is cute for the first month or so but then I want greenery ;-; and beetles! can't wait for big beetles