Are your friends mostly older or younger than you?

Which statement applies to you?

  • Most of my friends are older than me.

    Votes: 25 26.9%
  • Most of my friends are younger than me.

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Most of my friends are the same age as me.

    Votes: 26 28.0%
  • The age group of my friends vary.

    Votes: 29 31.2%

  • Total voters


Sep 20, 2013
I’m curious... Are your friends older or younger than you? Do you get along better or have more in common with older or younger people?

I would say that most of my friends and people that I get along with are older. I’m 23 and there are people that I get along with well that are ages 25-30. I also have a lot in common with this girl who is 37 and we are friends.

There was a time where I used to talk to a bunch of younger people, but they just seemed very immature.
mostly older by like 2-5 years. my best friend is a year younger than me though
I’ve always been the oldest between friends I made at school, considering I was held back a grade. As for friends and acquaintances made online, they tend to be at the same age or older. I honestly don’t mind either way. Though, it does tend to be a bit more difficult to talk to someone significantly younger than I as the years go by.
I’m a bit older than most of my irl friends but online ones are usually a couple (1-3) years older c’:
all of my friends are older except for one. my oldest friend is 25 and my youngest friend is 18. i am not as comfortable with making friends who are younger than me, and i wouldnt with anyone below the age of 17
My bestie is only three years younger than and me those I work with are all a few years older me with one other being the youngest. Regardless of varying age differences it's never been a problem for me when maintaining those relationships, personally I consider maturity more important than age.
My best friend in real life is five years younger than me (18), yet he’s one of the most mature individuals I’ve ever met. Meanwhile, I’ve met people my age and older who still act like immature kids. So I’d say the age group of my friends varies and is based on maturity and not necessarily age.
Most of my closest friends that I've known the longest are the same age as me, they're mostly people I befriended in school and then grew up with. Since leaving school though most people I've become friends with are older then me but I never really consider their age at all, we just usually get on well and have a lot in common.
Mostly the same age or older. I voted older, though, because that would be the bulk of them. I have very few younger friends.
I do have a few friends younger than me, but as a whole, I generally don't like people younger than me LOL
the majority of my friends are within a few years of me, with a few being 10+ years older than me

I and my best friend are the same age, just four months apart
My one friend is a year younger than me, my other is like, 4 or 5 years older and another is also a year older or the same age as me. I think older idk I can hardly remember peoples ages.

That's not to say thou that I can't be friends with much older people, it tends to just not happen that way. Also sometimes I think people are younger than they actually are, usually closer to my age (22) so I mistake their age until they tell me otherwise. Like I thought the one friend who is 4-5 years older was my age or like two years older at most.
We're all pretty much the same age, but they are older. They're only months/days or about a year, but I do have friends who are a grade ahead of me who are 2 years older than me.
The majority of my friends throughout my life have been older than me. I started school a year younger than most people, so my classmates were always a year older than me. Then, in high school, almost all of my friends were a grade ahead of me so that made for a lonely senior year after they all graduated. When I started working, I was usually the youngest at whatever company I was at so my work friends were older as well.

Now that I'm in my early 40's, I'm no longer the youngest wherever I go, but I still tend to form closer bonds with people who are older than me. I still get along with younger people, especially due to my interests in cartoons, anime, and video games, but it feels uncomfortable for me to get too close to people who are much younger than I am.
I think all of my friends are older but only by a few months. I was the youngest one in my friend group and just less than a month younger than the second youngest.
it varies a bit; most of my friends are the same age as me or 1-3 years younger but quite a few of my friends on here are older. :’)
I have few friends infortunately. Two real ones. The girl is one year younger, the boy two older. They don't know each other.
But long time ago I had a group of friends from all around the country (very small one) and most of them were older. Like... a lot older than me. I was 16, the youngest, and I think the youngest after me was 21. Many of them were 25 or 30. It was not a problem, they were really cool actually, unless they started to try to seduce me haha. Cringe and creepy.
I'm 32! A lot of my friends tend to be in their 20's, but I do have a handful of other friends who are in their 30-somethings. I lowkey feel like the mom friend a lot of the time, either way.
I always used to be the youngest, up untill i was 20/21. After that i changed my studies halfway through, and when i had to start over i suddenly was one of the oldest 😅 and at the last study i made most of my nowadays friends.

At my job now I'm the youngest tho, thank god! Im not ready yet to have only younger people around me haha