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Shop 🌺 Ariane's signature shop - 2.0 🌸 (indefinitely CLOSED)

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Main shop banner

Shop name: Dedenne's Art Shop
Small text(s):
Theme, main colors: again, a pastel pinkish theme
Background: https://i.imgur.com/oOKvkee.gifv
Any other picture/pixel to include:
Animated, yes/no: yes
Font, text effects:
Other info:
Total TBT price: 30 i believe

thank you!
Single town signature

Mayor name: Izzy
Town name: Woodland
Mayor picture: N/A
Villagers: Bob, Curt, Felicity, Dora, Blaire, Kid Cat, Sheldon, Charlise, Henry.
Obtained pixel and obtained villagers: N/A
Friend code: 2466-5617-5268
Dream address: 7B00-007F-8FED
Pocket Camp ID:
Native fruit: Cherry
Timezone: GMT
Any other text: "we're all mad here"
Any other picture/pixel to include: Could you include a picture of stitch from lilo and stitch?
Theme, main colors: A cute or weird theme, any colours you think would like nice, but maybe black and pastel yellow
Background: Cute flowers
Animated, yes/no: Yes pls
Shape: Any cute shape but circle
Font, text effects: Any
Other info:
TBT price: I'm sure this is 35 TBT? If I'm wrong please correct me c:
Also thanks for taking your time to do this, all your signatures look beautiful, you're awesome! <3
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hi everyone! I wanted to let you know that the shop will be closed all of August because I'll be on vacation away from home. I won't be making any new orders or updates/changes the whole month. It'll reopen in September, so make sure to post before then if you want something! :blush:


finished orders! let me know if changes are needed ^^

MadMonsterMaddie: (38 tbt)



Yael: (23 tbt)
I had trouble finding a gif for the specific cities you mentioned, I hope this more generic one is okay!



friedglitterenthusiast: (35 tbt)
I realized after I finished I didn't include much brown ;_; if you want me to change some colors please let me know! also, I hope this background looks magical enough, I added the sparkles to make it pop a little ^^



Dedenne2: (30 tbt)



IzzyShika: (35 tbt)
I couldn't find yellow animated flowers for the background, so I used a gif for Stitch instead, I hope it works out!


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OMG Ariane! It was so cute :blush: Then... How many tbts do I owe you??

- - - Post Merge - - -

OMG Ariane! It was so cute :blush: Then... How many tbts do I owe you??

Oh nvm i read it was 23 tbt. I'll transfer them to you right now! And again, thank you for your beautiful work!!
I was just thinking about how I would like a new sig so I'm so glad I saw your notice about being closed in August!

Single town signature

Mayor name: Val
Town name: Cutetown
Mayor picture: Either of these, please.
Villagers: Molly, Ankha, Piper, Jeremiah & Wolf Link. (These 5 are my forever villagers.)
Obtained pixel and obtained villagers:
Friend code: 1779-5207-9946
Dream address:
Pocket Camp ID:
Native fruit: Peach
Timezone: EST/EDT
Any other text:
Any other picture/pixel to include:
Theme, main colors: Whatever you think looks best with the background.
Background: This one, please.
Animated, yes/no: No, thank you. (The background I picked is already animated.)
Shape: I like the shape of the background but would like the corners rounded if possible.
Font, text effects: I'd like either the 3rd or 5th font from here, please.
Other info: Could my villagers be placed so it looks like they're walking on the path, please? They don't have to be in a straight line or anything so formal looking. Thank you!
TBT price: 45 TBT
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finished sig for Valzed!
let me know if you need changes ^^

I ended up using both fonts because I couldn't choose :blush:


finished sig for Valzed!
let me know if you need changes ^^

I ended up using both fonts because I couldn't choose :blush:



It's soooo cute! I love, love love it! The 2 fonts look great together. :D I just sent the TBT. Thank you so, so much!

Have a fantastic vacation in August!
Hey, Ariane! How much would it be for you to edit my current signature and add another town between Komorebi and Nugget, as well as change the quote? :>
Hey, Ariane! How much would it be for you to edit my current signature and add another town between Komorebi and Nugget, as well as change the quote? :>

hi! well, adding another town between them would mean redoing the whole sig to adjust sizes and everything, which would normally be 85 tbt (sig for 3 towns with villagers). That said, since half the work is already done (text, villagers, effects, colors and all that) maybe we could do it for half price - 43 tbt - if that's okay?
Main shop banner 1

Shop name:Mikachi Emporium
Small text(s): Every item, unlimited stock!
Theme, main colors: Pastel Yellow, and Pink (cute theme)
Background: Pick for me!
Any other picture/pixel to include:
Animated, yes/no: Yes
Font, text effects: Choose for me c: other than the font has to be fink heavy
Other info:
Total TBT price: 30 TBT

Main shop banner 2

Shop name:Mikachi's Adoption Center
Small text(s): Any villager, for a good home~
Theme, main colors: Pink and Lavender (cute theme)
Background: You choose!
Any other picture/pixel to include:
Animated, yes/no: Yes please
Font, text effects: Choose for text effects, fink heavy for font c:
Other info:
Total TBT price: 30

Do you mind if I just have an image with an outline?

Single town signature
Theme, main colors: This purple #671dc3
Animated, yes/no: Yes
Shape: The same shape of that claire of mistvale one in your examples.
Other info: If you can, make the height of it 230.
TBT price: Should be around 20 due to new account bonus

Thank you!
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finished orders!
let me know if you need changes ^^

Mikachi: (60 tbt)
I used another font for the smaller text because I thought it looked too cluttered with both fink heavy, I hope it's okay!





PyroMike: (15 tbt will do!)
I hope this is what you had in mind :)


Thanks for the sig! I love it!
hi! well, adding another town between them would mean redoing the whole sig to adjust sizes and everything, which would normally be 85 tbt (sig for 3 towns with villagers). That said, since half the work is already done (text, villagers, effects, colors and all that) maybe we could do it for half price - 43 tbt - if that's okay?

Yes, that sounds good. I would add a DA, fruit basket, villagers, and color to match its theme. I’m not sure how to format what I want, so here’s a single town form I filled out to give you some info on the town:

Mayor name: Vinny
Town name: Hayfon
Mayor picture:
Villagers: Freya, Paolo, Weber, Rex, Billy, Wade, Agnes, Chester, Sylvana, and Leopold.
Obtained pixel and obtained villagers:
Friend code:
Dream address: 4D00-00F9-301F
Pocket Camp ID:
Native fruit: Perfect Cherry Basket
Any other text:
Any other picture/pixel to include:
Theme, main colors: Clean winter shades (maybe gentler hues of red/white/purple).
Background: https://78.media.tumblr.com/81a8cb6791e60c6c713132ad1408e1b0/tumblr_p1wb39SYh41sgscvdo1_540.gif
Animated, yes/no: Yes
Shape: Put with current signature, in between Komorebi and Nugget.
Font, text effects: Keep As Is.
Other info:
TBT price: 43 TBT
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Can you update my signature? My Dream Address changed and some of my dreamies fluxuated. My dream address is now 5E00-00F9-604E and I need Colton replaced with Wolfgang and Inkwell replaced with Vivian. I also have both of them. Thank you so much!
I wanted to make it here before August because a few of changes have been made to my town!~ :)

Mayor Name: Malayna
Town: Aberdale
FC: 1822-2615-6571
Residents: ?toile, Cranston, Dotty, Chai, Winnie, Hans, Rudy, Stitches, Goldie, and Rosie.
Obtained: Cranston, Dotty, ?toile, Rudy, Stitches, Goldie, and Rosie.
Obtained Pixel: Golden Rose
Native Fruit: Peach
Timezone: EST
Animated: Yes
Font: Your Choice :3
Shape: Same as Mayor Claire of Mistvale's
TBT: 35

Thanks!~ :3
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finished orders! let me know if changes are needed ^^

well this was a challenge! I did my best to keep everything as matched and symmetrical as I could, I hope you like it!





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