Shop 🌺 Ariane's signature shop - 2.0 🌸 (indefinitely CLOSED)

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Multiple towns signature

Mayor name 1: Yewel
Town name 1: Panther
Mayor picture 1: n/a
Villagers 1: Lolly, Rosie, Punchy, Mitzi, Kid Cat, Kitty, Butch, Julian, Gala and Phoebe
Obtained pixel and obtained villagers 1: n/a
Dream address 1: 5A00-00CC-6F1F
Native fruit 1: Pear
Mayor name 2: Eri
Town name 2: Cerulean
Mayor picture 2: n/a
Villagers 2: Pekoe, Tia, Teddy, Fang, Marshal, Chrissy, Francine, Cherry, Diana and Stitches
Obtained pixel and obtained villagers 2: n/a
Dream address 2: FB00-00D7-10CE
Native fruit 2: Apple
Theme, main colors: Panther (Forest), Cerulean (Pastel, Pink and Blue)
Background(s): Panther (Bamboo), Cerulean (Cherry Blossom)
Animated, yes/no: Yes
Shape(s): Rounded rectangle
Friend code(s): 0748-4947-8656
Pocket Camp ID: n/a
Timezone: GMT+8
Any other text: n/a
Any other picture/pixel to include: n/a
Font, text effects: Choose for me please
Other info: Please make it small but kind of wider (enough to see the background) and arrange the villagers in line
TBT price: 65 TBT?

Thanks so much :lemon:
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hi everyone! thank you for the new orders this week-end ♥
I wasn't able to make anything yet because I've been sick all week-end and couldn't get out of bed ;____; I'm feeling a little better now so I think I'll be able to photoshop tomorrow, thanks for understanding!
I started catching up, so here are some orders ^^
let me know if changes are needed!

Mythic Diamond: (75 tbt)



Bangaa: (17-18 tbt with discount)



Elephantmarshmallow: (40 tbt)


Update for my signature

Instead of Cyrano it’s Lobo now

Obtained pixel Black rose

Dream address 7C00-00DD-E028

Any other text “ Just follow your heart and keep smiling. “

- - - Post Merge - - -

How much is it for an updated signature?

- - - Post Merge - - -

You can give all my villagers a black rose
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AAAAH It's so pretty thank you!~ Sending over TBT! I want to get another town just to get another one of these~
finished orders ♥ let me know if changes are needed!

TheCrystalClods: (35 tbt)



arkitty: (normal price would be 65 tbt, but at the time you posted you were up for the new member discount, so it's 32-33 tbt ^^)


Text signature

Large text(s): Nicole
Small text(s): Mayor Poppy of Moonbell
Theme, main colors: Same/similar colour palette to my avatar
Any other picture/pixel to include: Would it be possible to cancel out the background and use this as a small icon to flatter the large text? If not, don't worry about it :)
Animated, yes/no: Yes
Font, text effects: Joint writing font
Other info:
TBT price: 50 TBT ♥︎
finished sig for Nicole.:
I hope the fonts are okay!


Text signature

Large text(s): Ryumia
Small text(s): The Hermit
Theme, main colors: The theme for this text signature is a techno/sci-fi theme. Main colors I would like to have are: Dodgerblue and Deepskyblue.
Background: [x]
Any other picture/pixel to include: I would like to add these pixels: [x] - [x] - [x] - [x]
Animated, yes/no: Yes
Font, text effects: I would like this font text for the large text if it is possible for you. If it isn't possible then perhaps this one should do. If none of them work then I guess that's fine as long as it fits the theme. The smaller text I would like to have this one if it is possible. If not then I'll trust your judgement on what you think is suitable.
Other info: I am hoping the large text has the animation of the background while the small text doesn't. Would like the small text to be similar in size to this one that I saw in the example spoiler.
TBT price: 40

[Note: Let me know if I have to clear something up or fix something.]

Thanks. ^.^ Keep up the good work, A r i a n e.
let me know if you need changes ^^


Changes for Text Signature:

For the text signature... I would like to move the pink space ship near the R and move the green space ship near the A. Making it look sort of like this text signature if that makes sense. Would also like to elevate the small text up a bit if that is okay. Also to move the purple alien to be centered above between the R and Y. I would like lots of this star pixel scattered around to make it a bit more decorative if it is possible. I feel kind of bad to ask for changes. :X The text signature still looks really nice.
I love the new shop & new options! I'm so excited to order! Thanks so much!

Icon With Transparent Mayor

Large text(s): Val ❤️ Mimikyu
Small text(s): Cutetown
Theme, main colors: Mimikyu or Pokemon or night time
Background: Hmm... maybe something a little spooky that Mimikyu might like
Any other picture/pixel to include: Mimikyu Sprite & Mayor Val
Animated, yes/no: Yes, please.
Font, text effects: Whatever you think looks best
Size wanted (150x100 or 100x100): 150 x 100
Total TBT price: 30 TBT

Form For Transparent Mayor:

Mayor picture: Above
Effect wanted: Glow
Outline color: N/A
Glow color: Um... maybe Pokemon dark blue blue or yellow?
Drop shadow color: Whatever looks best
Size wanted: I'll be using the icon & mayor as a sig so whatever size you think would look best
Other info: I think my mayor is glancing ---> so could Mimikyu be on that side of her so it looks like she's glancing towards Mimikyu?
Total TBT price: Included in Icon and Transparent Mayor price
Single town signature

Mayor name: Raymond
Town name: Crafty
Mayor picture: N/A
Villagers: Alfonso, Stitches, Marshall, Inkwell, Lucky, Punchy, Cyrano, Vesta, Coco, Sprinkle
Obtained pixel and obtained villagers: famous mushroom; Stitches, Cyrano, Vesta, Sprinkle
Friend code: 0447-5685-0113
Dream address: 5C00-0060-BE8D
Pocket Camp ID: N/A
Native fruit: Cherry
Timezone: N/A
Any other text: In Office Since 2016
Any other picture/pixel to include: N/A
Theme, main colors: white and black
Animated, yes/no: yes
Shape: Cloud
Font, text effects: white finkheavy with black glow
Other info: place villagers in 5x2 grid horizontally, other text goes under main text
TBT price: 20 (half price + tip!)
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finished orders ♥
let me know if changes are needed!

I hope the size is okay? I wasn't sure if you wanted it icon sized or bigger. I can change it if you want me to ^^




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finished orders ♥
let me know if changes are needed!

I hope the size is okay? I wasn't sure if you wanted it icon sized or bigger. I can change it if you want me to ^^





That looks really nice! thanks! :D

edit: I might have forgotten this, but Inkwell is actually one of my obtained villagers, oops.
Also, I would like to replace Lucky with Kevin (kevin is also obtained)
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finished orders ♥
let me know if changes are needed!

I hope the size is okay? I wasn't sure if you wanted it icon sized or bigger. I can change it if you want me to ^^


It's adorable! Thank you so very much! I'll send the TBT right now! :D
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Hi! I would like one of your Wonderful sigs! I'm gonna put it next to my other sig, because tiffanistar worked hard on my other sig below :D

Single town Signature

Mayor: Malayna
Town: Aberdale
Mayor Pic: N/A
Villagers: Etoile, Tangy, Olaf, Hans, Cranston, Chai, Winnie, Dotty, Skye, and Flurry
Obtained Pixel: Any Hybrid rose color, (Blue, Pink, Purple, etc.)
Obtained Villagers: Dotty, Winnie, Flurry, and Tangy
FC: 1822-2615-6571
Shape: Something like the the 13 sig design on Single town sigs (The one with Mayor Claire of Mistvale)
Villager Sprites: Yes Please!
Font: I'll leave it up to you!
Native Fruit: Peach

I'm new to this website, and I'm only a few bells short, but if you want me to pay full price its fine. I'm tryna earn more bells! :)
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Hi there! I love your work. Super cute!
I would love to put in two orders with you.... One for a signature and one for an avatar.

Single town signature

Mayor name: Cailey
Town name: Humble
Mayor picture:
Villagers: Marina, Merengue, Eric, Chrissy, Apple, Marshal, Teddy, Dobie, Shari & Francine
Obtained pixel and obtained villagers:
Friend code: 2123-1751-4070
Dream address:
Pocket Camp ID:
Native fruit: Peaches
Timezone: Mountain Time
Any other text:
Any other picture/pixel to include:
Theme, main colors: White text
Animated, yes/no: Yes, can we slow the raindrops down a tad? If not it's ok!
Shape: Crescent moon like in your example! (Mayor Bunnie's) but slightly bigger?
Font, text effects:, with a soft, soft white glow
Other info:
TBT price 35 tbt



Large text(s): Cailey
Small text(s):
Theme, main colors: White text
Background: Honestly, would prefer if you could find a BG for me like something to go with my siggy but something more plain like lavender flowers or light pink flowers... I love anime scenery so maybe some pretty anime lavender or pink flowers, whatever is super light and pastel-ly...
Any other picture/pixel to include:
Animated, yes/no: Yes
Font, text effects:, with a soft, soft white glow
Size wanted (150x100 or 100x100): 100x100, ALSO CIRCLE SHAPED PLEASE!
Total TBT price: 20 tbt
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