Shop 🌺 Ariane's signature shop - 2.0 🌸 (indefinitely CLOSED)

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finished orders ♥
as usual let me know if changes are needed!




I made you two sizes just in case :blush:


I hope it's okay that I made the shape a little bigger, otherwise there wasn't enough space for the villagers ^^



Sakura625: (18 tbt, you don't have to pay full price with the discount ♥)


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Changes for my Text Signature:

I would like to make changes for this text signature that I commissioned from you. I would like to remove the the dragon pixel, the sun potion pixel, the seven dwarfs pixel, and the cupcake pixel. I would like to replace the animation background to this one and possibly match the text outline with the background colors if it is possible to do. Would like to add various amount of these star pixels. I would like the sparkle colored pixels to match the new background of the text signature. Maybe like a blueish and purplish sparkles that matches it if it is possible. Would like to add this pixel and that pixel too. I would like to change the colors of the Ryumia's Blog text as well. I would like the text color to be more of the purple that matches well with the background while the outline text color should be more of the blue color that matches with it. Let me know if there are some things that can't be changed.
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Single town signature

Mayor name: King Bob
Town name: Merconia
Mayor picture:
Villagers: (see below)
Obtained pixel and obtained villagers: Timer - Muffy, Bruce, Lopez, Lolly, Marina, Lionel, Olivia, Beardo, Fauna, Beau
Friend code: 3626-0835-1995
Dream address: 5F00-00D5-B8F6
Pocket Camp ID: N/A
Native fruit: Apple
Timezone: PST
Any other text: This above all; to thine own self be true
Any other picture/pixel to include: N/A
Theme, main colors: The town has a rainbow / modern / fairy tale theme. Heres a picture of my mayor's house with brickwork for inspiration,
but I really love your style with all of these signatures and so trust your judgement :)
Background: anything you think would work
Animated, yes/no: yes if possible but not required :)
Shape: rectangle-ish?
Font, text effects: I trust your judgement :)
Other info: Just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how much I admire your work and I'm so excited to see what you come up with :)
TBT price: 45 TBT + extra for the mayor

Transparent mayor/ Icon

Mayor picture: see above
Effect wanted: glow
Outline color: N/A
Glow color: I trust your judgement :)
Drop shadow color: N/A
Size wanted: avatar sized
Other info: would it be possible to just get it above the waist? I'd like to use it as my avatar but I still want it to be big enough to see. I trust your judgement though :)
TBT price: 30 TBT

Total TBT price: 75 TBT plus extra? Did I do that right?
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finished orders!
let me know if changes are needed ^^
I included both animated and not animated, because the quality is a little ruined when saving a gif with transparent mayors and there's nothing I can do about it ><



sig code with animation:


sig code without animation:


Lenndrix: (the price for both orders would normally be 75 tbt, but you get the new member discount - 50% - so it's 37-38 :blush:)
I had trouble finding a good rainbow background, I hope this one is okay (if not I can always change it)




sig code without animation:


sig code with animation:

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They are better than what I could have imagined! Thank you so so much! I finally feel like a member of this wonderful community!!! Thanks :)
Hi! I'd like a new sig please :)

Mayor name: Malayna
Town: Aberdale
Villagers: ?toile, Chai, Tangy, Cranston, Al, Olaf, Hans, Winnie, Dotty, and Skye.
Obtained: Cranston, Dotty, Tangy, ?toile.
Obtained Pixel: Blue Rose
FC: 1822-2615-6571
Native Fruit: Peach
Animated: Yes
Shape: I like the 2nd example, AKA Mayor Diana of Fall
Font: You choose :3
TBT: 17-18 or I can pay at full price if you want :3

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Thankyou!! I'll be back again soon for another signature when I get my summer look <3
Text signature;

Large text(s): kat
Small text(s): Once upon a different life...
Theme, main colors: black & silver
Background: maybe something night time with petals falling?, surprise me
Any other picture/pixel to include: no
Animated, yes/no: yes
Font, text effects: surprise me
Other info: thank you xx
TBT price: 45
finished orders ♥ let me know if changes are needed!









finished orders ♥ let me know if changes are needed!










I was feeling generous so I paid full price :) Thank you!
HERE I AM AGAIN LOL I'm so sorry

Transparent mayor #1
Mayor picture:
Effect wanted: White outline and glow please
Outline color: Green
Size wanted: Any size is fine
Total TBT price: 20

Transparent mayor #2 (For signature)
Mayor picture:
Effect wanted: Whatever you feel fits the aesthetic of the signature
Size wanted: Any size is fine
Total TBT price: 20

Single town signature
Mayor name: Nate
Town name: Toronto
Mayor picture: Transparent mayor #2
Any other text: "Always be yourself"
Theme, main colors: Whatever fits the aesthetic of the background
Background: I have a few for ideas, and you can pick whichever you find most appealing! , ,
Animated, yes/no: Yes please
Shape: Artistic freedom
Font, text effects: Whatever fits the aesthetic of the background
TBT price: 45

Total price: 85 TBT
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Changes for my Text Signature:

I would like to make changes for this text signature that I commissioned from you. I would like to remove this pixel and that pixel. And would like to add these pixels instead: [x] - [x] - [x] - [x] for the text signature. Please and Thank You. :]
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Multiple towns signature

Mayor name 1: Pepper
Town name 1: Mistwich
Mayor picture 1: none
Villagers 1: Julian, Whitney, Colton, Drago, Prince, Phoebe, Tia, Sterling, Elvis, Ruby
Obtained pixel and obtained villagers 1: none
Dream address 1: none
Native fruit 1: Apples
Mayor name 2: Faith
Town name 2: Naporia
Mayor picture 2: none
Villagers 2: Marshal, Erik, Fauna, Diana, Deirdre, Maple, Cheri, Rowan, Lobo, Chief
Obtained pixel and obtained villagers 2: none
Dream address 2: none
Native fruit 2: Cherry
Theme, main colors: for Mistwich: royal, white and gold, mystical. for Naporia: greens, foresty, magical
Background(s): anything that fits the above theme
Animated, yes/no: yes
Shape(s): anything that matches, maybe a bit smaller than the one i have now
Friend code(s): 2165-5886-8619 (naporia) 1049-3312-1928 (mistwich)
Pocket Camp ID:
Timezone: Mountain Time
Any other text:
Any other picture/pixel to include:
Font, text effects: anything that matches, really
Other info:
TBT price: 65
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