
My Signature:
Background URL (Please use the link and not the image):
Animated/ non-animated:animated
Curved or Regular Border? (If purchasing): regular
Font (include number and name if one of mine): French Script MT
Secondary Font: The same one I have in my signature that says "Mayor Jamie"? If not, Juice is fine.
Main Color: Same as my current signature's font color
Secondary Color: do you mean the outline of the words? white, I guess. I just want the font to look like it does in my current signature.
Town name: Quimb
Mayor name: Jamie
FC/DC (optional): DC- 5400-3382-9165
Timezone (optional): no
Town Fruit (optional): no
Symbol for obtained (for dreamies): a white rose
Are you using Dreamies or Current Villagers?: dreamies
Names of Dreamies or Current Villagers: Midge*, Cherry*, Kiki, Olaf, Lucky, Peanut, Roscoe, Francine, Chrissy, Rosie*
*If using CURRENT VILLAGERS, will you be updating them in the future?: N/A
Did you read the rules?: yes, and then I ate some cake.
Total amount of bells (Specify TBT or IGB):TBT- I don't know. Essentially, I want you to keep everything about my old signature except change the villagers in it to my dreamies that I listed and remove everyone else. I don't know if that counts as updating (I didn't get it here in the first place, but Hanzy's signature shop no longer exists) or if it counts as a new signature or if it's somewhere in the middle, so I don't really know how much it would be. Thank you!