Auction Art auction! ★ Round 4 ★ Start! Slot A: 3k / Slot B: Bought out

Oh I meant slot b for my offer //oops

yeah still totally interested in that. I have the TBT now :) an avatar size would be okay, do you want me to buy it through this auction??
Haha, don't worry about it. I don't get upset over much hoenstly. I will buy one of your fabulous art pieces soon enough. :> For now, I will check back closer towards May 5th (correct) and continue bidding on Slot A from there, Slot B is the one thing I at least want to win, haha.

You'll get your letter soon enough. :>

I hope so! I need to complete this set xD
Thank you for taking interest and bidding ;u;

That's right, May 5th at 11 AM JST so probably 11PM~ish May 4th EST :D
Regarding bids, as long as it's not a snipe bid , feel free to bid away! :D
I forgot to add it in the rules but I'll do that now. ><

I hope so! I need to complete this set xD
Thank you for taking interest and bidding ;u;

That's right, May 5th at 11 AM JST so probably 11PM~ish May 4th EST :D
Regarding bids, as long as it's not a snipe bid , feel free to bid away! :D
I forgot to add it in the rules but I'll do that now. ><

Nuh, I just wait since there's no sense in bidding so early at the moment since I will forget and on the last day get outbidded, haha. Though it sounds like Karen is buying out? Not sure what her offer was, I mighta missed it.​
I just want a picture with beau T-T, hopefully I will get atleast sloot B too
Oh I meant slot b for my offer //oops

yeah still totally interested in that. I have the TBT now :) an avatar size would be okay, do you want me to buy it through this auction??

Ah sorry about that Karen!
The current offer for slot B is at 1,000 TBT~

Regarding that drawing, I do have it already lined out and I think it would make a nice digital painting! I'm currently not taking private TBT commissions since I'm auctioning off slots, so I think bidding on a slot would be the best right now? I of course do have IRL commissions open which always take priority but that's of course up to you!

What I'm worried is that without cropping most of it out, I don't think it would fit into an avatar size for slot B. :( As it's 2 pokemon and a trainer so it's pretty big and since Milotic is huge (no offense Milotic ;-; ) she probably wouldn't even fit into the picture...Since slot A is for a full body + 1~2 pokemon/villagers I think that would suit slot A the best?

Slot A is currently at 6,000 TBT, but if you were interested in only slot B for now I may open slots up again in the future depending on how my collectible situation goes and my schedule :p

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I just want a picture with beau T-T, hopefully I will get atleast sloot B too

;-; Sorry about that! I'm not sure what Karen's current offer is and for which slot so there's still hope xD

- - - Post Merge - - -

Nuh, I just wait since there's no sense in bidding so early at the moment since I will forget and on the last day get outbidded, haha. Though it sounds like Karen is buying out? Not sure what her offer was, I mighta missed it.​

That makes sense! I always forget about auctions, or they end when I'm asleep (GMT +9 FTL!) But I tried to make this auction end at a reasonable hour for both me and the people on the other side of the world 'w')/

I don't think a BO was offered yet~ I think she originally started the auction for slot B in her first post.
If i ever wanted to bid again for your art like next auction you have can people who have bid before bid again?
If i ever wanted to bid again for your art like next auction you have can people who have bid before bid again?

You mean like holds for slots? :eek:
Also I'm working on coloring your slot A today :blush: Hopefully done by Monday!
hey, IM wondering, I get you that yellow collectible does it means that Itd be an Automatic BO?
Previous round Slot A completed!
MafiaJinx's request of mayor with Maple!

Also updated the front page examples :blush:
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