Auction Art auction! ★ Round 4 ★ Start! Slot A: 3k / Slot B: Bought out

I feel like I might lose that spot so 1,200 for slot B!

Congrats Pofer! :D You won both Slot A for 6,000 TBT and slot B for 1,200 TBT :D

Sent you a PM! :D

Thanks to everyone who participated and I should be opening up slots again after Pofer's commission is complete :D
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Auctions opened back up for Round 4!

I'm not sure how many more rounds of these I'll be able to do and unfortunately due to becoming more busy I've changed the minimum bid start & minimum bid increase. But I do hope people with interest take the time to bid and thank you to everyone who bid in the past! ^^

Thanks and happy bidding :D
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If I bid again Im gonna make sure to vote at the last days, we had a bidding fight with donevor and I ended up winning aorund 3 days before the finish date hehehe
actually i probably wont be around since may 31st is my birthday, going to have to withdraw