Aw, alright. Well thanks for the interest at least! :3
You're welcome!
Aw, alright. Well thanks for the interest at least! :3
Just wanted to let you know that I really started with it but unfortunately I really won't make it until 11th because it's too complex for such a short time '-'
Here can you see my progress. don't worry, I'll add your bf's beard later
If there's anything that bothers you, feel free to tell me and I'll try to change or improve it c:
I drew it with my new tablet so I hope the linework is ok . . .
Well, I've extended it to the 15th! And that looks so cute!
A few things I see, but isn't too big of a deal if it's too much work, but my hair part is actually on the other side. Like, flipped, lol, and the hand closest to my face looks a lil awkward o -o I think you should switch the line under my pinky to being down connected to my wrist, and the thumb line go in about to where the other one ended.... If I make any sense @ .@
Ahh I see. I'll do my best to finish it until 15th x-x
Urghghghghhffh you are right!
Stupidly I used exactly this reference where it looks like the hair part is on the right q-q Well I need to fix that somehow.
Ah thanks for the tips for the hand. I'll try to change it! c: