Ask a stupid question get an even stupider answer

Because somebody moved the board to Off Topic =O

Does the queen do anything other than wave?
Yes, talks really stupid... "One does..."

Is it ok to stereotype people, based on where they are from?
AndyB said:
Yes, talks really stupid... "One does..."

Is it ok to stereotype people, based on where they are from?
Only on Frinesday

Why is my brother such a slob and the computer table looks like *CEN-2.0-SORD* >.>
Because you're a hobo, and you look like a piece of poop.

Why does my metronome not beat loudly?
Because you nick-name is MJ!

Why is it, that every time I go to a music festival, there are smelly hippies?
Gabby la la said:
Because you nick-name is MJ!

Why is it, that every time I go to a music festival, there are smelly hippies?
Because hippies are the shizznit.

Why is it that when you go to art festivals most of the art is jewelry?