Ask AC:NL Questions here! (Please read before posting here or making a new thread!)

So I was wondering about how to get more homes in my Happy home academy area? In the area where you can go through those ?model homes? and order things from their homes, I only have four and they appear to be from the creators. How can I get more homes in that area? I thought I read somewhere that you have to have your DS in ?sleep mode? while walking around and if it happens to pass by another person doing the same thing their house will show up in your HHA and your will show up in theirs. Is that true, and how can I possibly get more homes in there?

Second question - are DLCs officially done for this game? And is there any way to get all those DLC items or were they a limited one only - and I?ll have to trade to get all of them now?

Question 1, HHD houses.
The homes in your showcase are ones that you got from streetpass; the system being in sleep mode as you walk around tagging people with the same game with local play (the owners manual says 60 feet but I think it's a smaller range). While it is possible to get more homes, it is highly unlikely as no one brings their system out anymore and hits are far and few between.

Question 2, DLC.
It is safe to assume all DLC will no longer continue for ACNL. Some DLC, such as the zodiac series, nature series and a few others are reoderable from the catalogue, so gettin them will be easy on the others persons part. However, many of them, such as the 7/Eleven set, hagoita, ect... along with regional exclusive like holiday items are harder to get. Unless that person is willing to give you any spares, they will most likely be duped items (which is technically against tbt rules to trade duped items, as it is considered cheating. Again, against the rules.)
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Basically, what you said is true - if you pass someone else who plays ACNL, and you both have StreetPass enabled, you'll get each other's houses in your showcases. It doesn't necessarily have to be in sleep mode, though, you can also get StreetPass hits if you're currently playing on your 3DS, it just has to be on in some way, have StreetPass turned on in ACNL, and have wireless connection/NFC turned on.

Yes, DLC is no longer being distributed, except maybe through cheating. Most of the DLC is reorderable, though, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding someone on the forums who can get the DLC items for you, except maybe the ones that were released in Japan after the update.

Thank you! I live in a small town and it?s pretty hard to find other people playing on street pass - I?m glad to know that?s what I need to do though!
Posting here since it can be answered with a simple answer:

How big is the solar panel project, 2 tall and 3 wide or 3 wide and 3 tall? I can't see any QRs behind it so I can't really tell.
Posting here since it can be answered with a simple answer:

How big is the solar panel project, 2 tall and 3 wide or 3 wide and 3 tall? I can't see any QRs behind it so I can't really tell.

According to the wiki, it is 3 wide and 2 tall.
What is the easiest way to transfer stuff from one animal crossing account to another game? Mailing letters? Are there any easier ways?
What is the easiest way to transfer stuff from one animal crossing account to another game? Mailing letters? Are there any easier ways?

Well, in my opinion, the easiest way to transfer items from one Animal Crossing: New Leaf game to another AC:NL game, is by physically dropping the items in the receiving game. This will require two DSs.

If you don't have access to another DS, you could ask a trustworthy player in The Train Station (AC:NL Online) board to hold your items, drop off items from your original game, and send your second game's character to pick up the items.
Well, in my opinion, the easiest way to transfer items from one Animal Crossing: New Leaf game to another AC:NL game, is by physically dropping the items in the receiving game. This will require two DSs.

If you don't have access to another DS, you could ask a trustworthy player in The Train Station (AC:NL Online) board to hold your items, drop off items from your original game, and send your second game's character to pick up the items.

Thank you! I?m planning on purchasing a new Zelda version 3ds xl so I should have 2 ds?s I can use!
Has anyone seen a dirt QR that looks as close as possible to how dirt spaces look in-game? I am terrible at making natural dirt paths but I have a natural/camp area that I want a dirt path to.

I've seen some dirt QRs, but they don't look quite right.
Another question that doesn't feel worth posting a whole thread for! Does anyone know any dream addresses that have the Sanrio villagers? Preferably one with all of them, but if your town has only 1 or 2 I'm fine with that. I want to see what they're like. :)
So confused right now. I have items that are not showing up in the catalogue even though I have all of them and they are in my inventory and everything. They are the Kiki and Lala clock,Hello Kitty clock,My Melody clock,and Pompompurin TV. I don't understand why they aren't showing up in the catalogue even though I have them. Please help!
So confused right now. I have items that are not showing up in the catalogue even though I have all of them and they are in my inventory and everything. They are the Kiki and Lala clock,Hello Kitty clock,My Melody clock,and Pompompurin TV. I don't understand why they aren't showing up in the catalogue even though I have them. Please help!

I seem to be having this problem sometimes too. Not sure how to solve it. :(