Ask AC:NL Questions here! (Please read before posting here or making a new thread!)

So, if my entire town floor is covered (ex: clovers, flowers, mushrooms). Will the game force certain items to despawn upon reset every morning so there are fossils/pitfall? Or would fossils and other buried items just never spawn?

Just trying to gauge if I'm just crazy and never planted flowers in certain locations or if the game is messing with me and killing my flowers to put fossils. XD
If I go on a bug catching/fishing/diving tour, do the caught items count towards my badges? Like for example the "caught a lot of fish" badge?
If someone has gracie in her town can i use her to get her to open her shop in mine?

No, she'll just say stuff about the giraffe in your town and whatever.

Melsi I want to know the samething, I have a crazy amount of clovers and flowers x_x
Ok so, I just started a thread starting a cycling town, and I’m currently TTing day by day on a second town and it’s taking ages to get someone to move. Can anyone help? What am I doing wrong?
So, if my entire town floor is covered (ex: clovers, flowers, mushrooms). Will the game force certain items to despawn upon reset every morning so there are fossils/pitfall? Or would fossils and other buried items just never spawn?

Just trying to gauge if I'm just crazy and never planted flowers in certain locations or if the game is messing with me and killing my flowers to put fossils. XD

I believe buried items just don't spawn.
There was a time where my town literally had just a few free space on the ground and only 3 fossils spawned that day. Maybe there wasn't a space for 4.
You're correct. :) I went through my town and made sure the few spaces were covered and TT'd, nothing spawned.

Unfortunately it's purposely like this, and I couldn't tell you why. 3:

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Fertilizer must be buried near a tree or flowers to increase the chances of perfect fruit or hybrid flowers. It will disappear once buried for more than a day.

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I do not think so, I had several patched items and never saw them in the catalog, but I don't think you'd be able to purchase them anyways just like any other event earned item.

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From what I know, no. My cousin tried this and it did not work. But if otherwise happens to you inform me :3

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It can not be recolored with a different design. I'm not sure if it was the shape you were going for, but you can always use the custom cut out sign and use a QR Code with it. I use it with everything, for outside the cafe, the beach and even the police station.

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Yes it is totally fine. I did the same thing and bought another so I could leave items at a town and know they're safe while I made a new one, because I don't have the motivation to start over XD

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Yeah sadly they can do that. I just spent SEVERAL MONTHS trying to get rudy out of my town because she was in a space where I wanted to build a graveyard. She finally told me and I said cya and she said on second thought maybe not! My heart omg you have no idea XD
I'm not sure if I'm misremembering this from previous games or not but —

Do the "trash" items (can, boot, tire) have different icons when dropped on the ground?

I think boot/can used to be one icon and tires another, but it's been such a long time since I fished up trash.
I'm not sure if I'm misremembering this from previous games or not but ?

Do the "trash" items (can, boot, tire) have different icons when dropped on the ground?

I think boot/can used to be one icon and tires another, but it's been such a long time since I fished up trash.

The trash items (empty can, boot, and tire), when dropped to the ground, look like an empty can, boot, and tire respectively.

Here are a few screenshots of the boot and tires on the ground (from Aika Village). I don't have one of the empty can on the ground outside available, but can confirm that the empty can representation is different from the boot.



Hope this answers your question.
Thank you for the answer about fertilizer, but there is one more thing I didn't understand. In order to increase my chances for perfect fruit, do I have to shake off my fruits? Thanks once again=)
Thank you for the answer about fertilizer, but there is one more thing I didn't understand. In order to increase my chances for perfect fruit, do I have to shake off my fruits? Thanks once again=)

Yes, you'll need to shake off the fruit first, then bury a fertilizer right next to the tree. However, it may be quicker to buy/trade for your perfect fruit.

Note: your native fruit is the only perfect fruit that can be grown in your town.
Are there any instruments that look like a flute?

Also, is there a customizable book? That I can change the cover?
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