Senior Member
Which gyroid sets have four gyroids?
Which gyroid sets have four gyroids?
Oh thank you!!!
Also, does anyone know if it’s possible to get pictures of Cooper and Booker?
Oh thank you!!!
Also, does anyone know if it’s possible to get pictures of Cooper and Booker?
Idk if this has been asked before. I didn't see it in the FAQ but if it has been asked then sorry about that!
If a villager is on main street, will that prevent you from getting them to move in from another town? Like I know a villager on main street won't cycle into your town until 16 others have moved out, but if you visit another town when that villager is in boxes will you be able to convince them to come to your town again?
So, I know that you need to drink 7 cups of coffee, over seven days, to be able to work at the cafe, but does take out coffee count towards to that
Me again. I've been wondering this for a while. If you give shrunk a basket of fruits, does he eat one or does he eat the whole basket?
pretty sure this hasn?t been asked before in FAQ?s, apologies if it has- but whereabouts are you able to plant cedar saplings?
Does anyone know what shirt Tabby is wearing in this picture? I haven't seen it in since I started many years ago.
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Does anyone know if after the 1.5 amiibo update, if there is any way to glitch into the river or off the cliff? The king tut running glitch was patched. Any other ideas? Thank you
Are we allowed to ask about map editing here?
For the rococo Vanity,
Which chair matches it better? Other the. The rococo one?