Ask AC:NL Questions here! (Please read before posting here or making a new thread!)

I recently had a random tenth move in - does this mean it was definitely a void villager, or do you automatically get a tenth neighbour when you hit perfect town status? And if someone then moves out and puts you back down to nine, will another villager automatically move in, or will i stay at nine unless i get another void villager/ask someone to move in?

also, completely unrelated, but is it true that Nook's Homes expands to include something on the second floor? If so, what does it sell? I'm sure i read something about it a while ago but haven't really seen much on it.. Just curious as to why there's windows upstairs if there's not going to be anything there!

Sorry for so many questions, i hope this all made sense! :)

You don't get 10th villagers at random as far as I know. It's either from the void (StreetPass or just WiFi-ing with someone), the campsite, or adoption. As a result, if someone moves out, you won't get another random villager. I've heard some people say that got a random 10th villager, but it's likely that they just got it through Wi-Fi and didn't notice. If you go talk to the villager after the house is built, they should say what town they came from, and that'll confirm that they're not just a randomly generated villager.

Nook's Homes doesn't expand. Only the Nooklings' store gets new floors once they have their final expansion. The only changes that are made at Nook's Homes are when you pay off all your loans and get theme challenges with Lyle. The windows are just an added touch. Maybe Tom Nook lives up there with Timmy and Tommy? Who knows!
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Okay, thanks so much for your help! My tenth villager probably came from WiFi, i was under the impression that once a tenth villager moved in the town would stay at either ten or nine, glad I'm wrong though!
Okay, thanks so much for your help! My tenth villager probably came from WiFi, i was under the impression that once a tenth villager moved in the town would stay at either ten or nine, glad I'm wrong though!

No worries! Yeah, everything goes on as normal once a 10th villager moves in; you can still have villagers moving out. If someone moves, you'll stay at 9 for a while, but you can also drop down to 8. Once you drop down to 8, you start getting randomized villagers, but if you don't let anyone else move out, you can stay at 9 if you want as long as you avoid all Wi-Fi villagers/campers.
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How much higher is the zen castle compared to the mansion (default)? I was hoping to put a zen garden & bell behind it =]
I was going to explain, but was busy and failed to remember. You'll want to pass a check, TT forward to the next day then TT back to the day she was there to get another check. Sorry for the confusion. >.<

Whoever you're giving that information to needs to understand that it's a very risky thing to do. Check your villagers on each new day you travel to or you will lose somebody.
How much higher is the zen castle compared to the mansion (default)? I was hoping to put a zen garden & bell behind it =]
If you stand at the door the zen castle just goes off screen, if you stand in the door of the mansion it's one or two centimetres below ( on a normal 3ds) i hope that's what you meant
Do sheep change their scarves?

They can! Vesta normally wears a Fall Plaid Shirt, but you can see she is wearing a Chain-Gang pattern here:

Merry told me that Whitney's planning on moving, but Whitney won't ping me and just talks to me like normal. I like her and I don't want her to go yet. What do I do?
No, they don't. Neither do snowmen and most special things like that. The meteor shower and auroras do show up.
I was looking at the fish currently around that I don't have, and one of them is the catfish which is in the 'river pond'. What is that? The area near the waterfall or the roundish area where the river turns a corner?
I was looking at the fish currently around that I don't have, and one of them is the catfish which is in the 'river pond'. What is that? The area near the waterfall or the roundish area where the river turns a corner?

That part of the river where it turns really wide/round. The one near the waterfall that goes into the ocean.