Does anyone know how to get KK Slider's picture?
I've been searching for a while and all I found are uhm, some really complicated steps and aren't even sure :[
So, I've read somewhere that if someone visits your Dream Town and they speak to a villager, that said villager will mention this to you.
My question is when they do this. I'm assuming you need to connect to the Internet for that, but is it just turning on your Wi-Fi? Or do you need to go the Dream Suite or something?
Thanks! <3
Don't have to. If someone talk to your villager via dream suite your villager will mention they meet xxx in dream and hopefully to know them in real blah blah. Doesn't have to go on wifi or anything =D
I've had a few flowers pop up in my village, and there's only one of each. I mean, I have tons of roses and tulips, etc but only 1 carnation, and only 1 jacobs ladder. How can I encourage more of those to grow?
But won't that only happen after you have somehow connected to the Internet? If I don't do that, then how can my game 'know' I had a visitor?
Explain rain to me, please? I had it raining for the first time in my game this week and I read somewhere that when it rains, you don't have to water your flowers. Seems logical to me, so I didn't. But a great deal of my flowers were wilted the next day anyway. Why is this? Will flowers sometimes wilt no matter what you do, or doesn't rain help after all?
I've both read and experienced that rain doesn't water flowers in this game. It apparently just helps regrow your grass. Here is a thread discussing the same problem.Explain rain to me, please? I had it raining for the first time in my game this week and I read somewhere that when it rains, you don't have to water your flowers. Seems logical to me, so I didn't. But a great deal of my flowers were wilted the next day anyway. Why is this? Will flowers sometimes wilt no matter what you do, or doesn't rain help after all?
I've both read and experienced that rain doesn't water flowers in this game. It apparently just helps regrow your grass. Here is a thread discussing the same problem.
Kind of sucks. Would have made much more sense if rain did water flowers, and I'm pretty sure it did that in previous games.
ok so i wonder if this would be possible
lets say i have a villager in boxes. i tt them out, and i streetpass someone. then i go back to the day they were in boxes, im wondering would it still be possible to give that villager away? i know you can tt at least one day back to a villagers moving date. i almost tt'd too far and ankha moved out but i went back a day and she was still there in boxes so yeah
no one answeredi read if u drop items on the dock or drop items on the dock and jump in the water right after droping the game glitches
Is there a reason that i can't seem to find any lilies on tours? Thanks!
no one answered
edit add: does the fire pit burn all the time or only at night?
Is there a reason that i can't seem to find any lilies on tours? Thanks!