Are you going to be getting the soon to be released Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon for the Nintendo 3DS?
Kinda surprised you're talking to me again.
Uh, probably not. I feel like Pok?mon games (at least in the main series) are just becoming clones of each other, with a few new elements and a few more Pok?mon based off battery packs and ice cream. I'm just bored of the same thing. That being said, I still need to beat Alpha.
The ending chapters of the game are jaw dropping! How many Pokemon games have you got?
How come you're so mysterious?
Idk. I'm eager to know more about you but you keep to yourself a lot. Also do you like cake?
I don't know if that makes me mysterious. I just think that's in my nature. I've always preferred to be a bit of a loner.Yep. Love cake.
Cake is love, cake is life. Do you agree? lol
Have you played YoWorld before?
Are you glad that they expanded the collectibles section so you could display all of your gems? I am hoping the next step is getting the option to re-organize so I can have prefect lines of organized candy. ^u^
do you consider yourself to be a dangerous (wo)man