Ask illuminatty

Yeah, I remember you mentioning me in a thread the once saying you knew me well.

I don't recall, how so?
You're stranded on a deserted island right?
What 3 things would you bring?
I had you in my fav user list because you were, but I hadn't seen you for a long time, which is why I had you in RIP'd users with Sock and iLoveYou. If you want to chat I can. :)
Shrug, Well I'll be confused about it but ok.
You're stranded on a deserted island right?
What 3 things would you bring?

I'd bring a jug of water (sea water is gross so yeah), food and... Idk. If I was bringing stuff, that means I'd be getting myself stranded on purpose. lel

- - - Post Merge - - -

Shrug, Well I'll be confused about it but ok.

Have you ever gone on the IRC? You should. o:

It's a lot easier chatting there than VM's or PM's
Awww, come on.
Just look at the Guy.
