-What are the requirements to get to the Island? You have to finish paying your second house debt, then meet Tortimer the next day. Afterwards, the character who did this will be able to visit the island.
-Does the dream mansion connect to other peoples towns via random or spotpass (or both..)? The town can chosen randomly, by country and province/state, or via Dream Address.
-Do you personally situate new shops in your town or are they randomly placed? Some are already placed in the very beginning, others will be set in Shopping District. Heck, there are a select fews that can be placed almost anywhere in your town.
-Do you need to be connected to wi-fi in order to visit the Island? You can visit there alone, or with friends. Also, if you bought a pass to another club, you'll be able to visit with anyone over the world.
-Looking back at primitive Animal crossing, do the gyroids serve any purpose? It has almost the same purpose as in the past AC games, but you can place gyroids at Club 101 between 12PM and 7PM.
-Is there only the standard/traditional wi-fi features such as connecting to pre-registered friends or is there some sort of new feature which enables you to meet new people? You still have to register at least one friend via Friend List before you can first meet them in ACNL. Anyone who is the same town as you currently are can be directly added to your 3DS Friend List, and to your Best Friends list if they are already added.
-Is there only one DJ K.K. song or is there a completely new genre of music? In fact, DJ K.K. remixes his songs, as well of your town tune whenever your ID card's picture shows up on that screen. K.K. Slider also added some more songs you can obtain on every Saturday night.
-What exactly can you do when you visit other peoples towns via dream mansion? (Can you take fruit, flowers, shells etc and will it effect their town?) Anythine you could do in your town can be done there as well, but they won't be saved, since the town is on a server.
-Can you retire from the mayor position? If you do, who takes your place? No, you can't. You'd have to rebuild your town for that.
-Now that tom nook is gone, do you still have to do the part-time work tutorial or has it been substituted with an alternative tutorial? The tutorial itself in this game is much shorter than those found in the past AC games. Though, you have to do certain tasks, like placing your house and being able to play online.
-When we connect with other players are we given the option to communicate through the installed microphone? Microphone can't be used to communicate between players.
and most importantly...
-what is the maximum amount of friends that you can have added on your friends list at a time? 100 friends on your Friend List, 32 on your Best Friends list.