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I just checked and Dr. Shrunk wasn't there. It is abour 12:25 AM here. Is this too early?

In Animal Crossing, the day doesn't change until 6AM.

Is there any way to know if Saharah will give you exclusive wallpaper and carpets? She's in my town and I don't want to spend 3,000 bells on stuff I already have.

As far as I know, there isn't. Maybe someone else will be of more help to you. >-<
Is there any way to know if Saharah will give you exclusive wallpaper and carpets? She's in my town and I don't want to spend 3,000 bells on stuff I already have.

No. It's random. You can always try resetting if you don't like what she gives you.

Also each player character in your town can try to get stuff from Saharah on each visit, so you can have up to 4 chances (if you have 4 characters) with each visit to get some Saharah stuff.
No. It's random. You can always try resetting if you don't like what she gives you.

Also each player character in your town can try to get stuff from Saharah on each visit, so you can have up to 4 chances (if you have 4 characters) with each visit to get some Saharah stuff.

She gives unexclusives? Ewwww
Is there an easy method to get my villagers to suggest building projects? I am a bit tired of the bland default ones.
Today i logged on my game and i seen that Samson is moving to my village. I was saving one spot for a dream villager, so i'm wondering if there's any way from stopping Samson from moving in? I didn't save yet tho.
If you logged in with your mayor, and he's already set his plot down, then there's no turning back I'm afraid :c
Quick thing for theme challenges. How much value does each of the outdoor house pieces give towards a challenge? For example, I just got a rustic mailbox for the rustic challenge. How many points will that give?
How can you log in as "not major" just wondering? :/

If you want to scout your town to make sure new plots are where you want them to be (or just not where you don't want them to be), you have to create a new character. If you enter the game with an already created character, everything will be final. The reason for this is that when you log in with an existing character, you will go through Isabelle and she will load your town automatically and no changes can occur. This doesn't happen when you create a new character.
So if you scout with a new character and you don't like what you see, close the game without saving. If you like what you see, go through the process of talking to Nook and Isabelle, getting a house and all that and save normally. Afterwards you can just delete that character.
Sorry i'm giving really noob questions lol.
Not sure if i understood that right due to my crappy english but does that mean that there can still be changes done before i log in with my main character? Or is it all set in stone before i log in for example: Samson moving in?
And does that mean that i can have more than one saved file on one game copy?
Sorry i'm giving really noob questions lol.
Not sure if i understood that right due to my crappy english but does that mean that there can still be changes done before i log in with my main character? Or is it all set in stone before i log in for example: Samson moving in?
And does that mean that i can have more than one saved file on one game copy?

Maybe I'm the one who explained it badly :p
If you've talked to Nook and then Isabelle with your brand new character and picked a spot for your house and all that and saved/quit, your town will be exactly as you left it, including plot locations and who will move in. But if you -on your newly created character- do not get a house (or tent, rather) and just close the game without saving, nothing is set in stone. You could keep creating new characters until everything is the way you want it to be.
Under what circumstances do saplings / bushes fail to grow ?
Just wanna make sure before I start replanting.
If i log onto my mayor then not save when there is a house plot, is there any way to do the reset trick?
Why aren't any mushroom appearing near any of my trees?
Yes, there's room around the trunk, and some have a couple flowers near them but it's not surrounded or anything.
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